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Ryoko Takeuchi



    Ryoko Takeuchi was born in Hokkaido in northern Japan.  She was an officer with the Metropolitan Police Department before coming to work for the TAC.  Ryoko is a very calm and collected person.  She is strong and yet gentle, and she has an enormous crush on the man in charge of the TAC.  Ryoko is a very likable character, taking charge when necessary and often offering support and words of comfort to Momiji when she is troubled.  Ryoko feels responsible for Kaede's death, since she went after Kaede to try and stop her but was unable to do so.
    Ryoko gets along with everyone, except for Sugishita who is constantly rubbing her the wrong way with his constant come-ons and one-liners.
    Like Daitetsu Kunikida, Ryoko has a strong love of country and a strong sense of duty, and again like Kunikida, she is unwilling to offer Momiji as a sacrifice, even when Momiji has willingly accepted her fate.
    Ryoko's blood type is AB and her zodiac sign is Leo.

    To learn more about Ryoko's blood type, click here.

    To learn more about Ryoko's zodiac sign, click here.