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You Know You Watch Too Much Blue Seed When......



  1. You glue a blue bead to your chest and walk around town trying to sense Aragami.
  2. You have to stop every few minutes to make sure none of the trees in your yard are moving.
  3. You no longer wear anything but black shirts, black pants and red trench coats
  4. You find yourself hissing, "Kushinada..." for no particular reason.
  5. Your excuse for flunking a math test: "Well, there was this giant centipede..."
  6. You can't understand why the bow in the end of your hair keeps falling out.
  7. You wear your TAC jacket everywhere
  8. You wear a pink jumpsuit and carry a bazooka everywhere.
  9. You decide that too-perfect student in your class must be planning to destroy the world
  10. You find all your classmates staring at you and realize you've been chanting, "Omake!"
  11. You dream about Momiji chasing Kusanagi with a weed whacker.
  12. The aforementioned dream is no longer as satisfying, so you upgrade to a rototiller.
  13. You begin stockpiling herbicides...just in case.
  14. Your tennis strategy begins with unnerving your opponent by laughing evilly and announcing, "I have eight mitamas!  You don't stand a chance against me, 'imperfect soul!"  Of course, this only succeeds in convincing them that you're - insane...
  15. Nothing can convince you to take the subway


Generously provided by and written by: Amanda Dale



