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Update History




February 23, 2005: Today I opened the link for Kioku.  This will be the home for any new fanfiction projects and the link page for other pages I might wish to build.  Thank you so much for visiting with me.  Godspeed.



August 18, 2004:  As of today this website is complete.  Finished Updating Fanfiction Dreamer Awakened.  I might stick my new fiction for Inuyasha up here until I can get a new sit for it built, but I'm uncertain as of yet.  Thank you for visiting!!!



September 09, 2003:  Even though I tried to make it less than a month, it still took me longer than expected to get another update ready.  New chapter in Dreamer Awakened. 


August 01, 2003:  Egads, I can't believe it's taken me this long to add anything. >_<.  Not much to the updates; just a new chapter in Dreamer Awakened.


March 03, 2003:  Whew... it's been a long time, but I finally updated!! Yay!!!  But only the fanfiction section, since that's pretty much the only thing left to update nowadays.  Two new chapters to Dreamer Awakened were added as well as two new authers: Naya Hurishino and Karmen with their stories "A New Beginning" and "Broken Heart Mended".  For those of you into the fanfiction thingy - hope you enjoy!


November 04, 2002:  Finished episode guides for the Blue Seed 2 OAV (yay!)  New additions to the fanfiction page in the 'Dreamer Awakened' section and the 'In Need of a Kushinada' section as well. Also added a few new links on the links page.


August 15, 2002:  Updated Episodes section by adding the first summary for Blue Seed 2 along with pictures for that episode.  New additions to the fanfiction page and the fanart section as well.  Sorry for such a long delay in between updates.


May 05, 2002:  Added new chapter in Fanfiction Dreamer Awakened


April 03, 2002:  New Summary for last episode in the series; also added the missing Omake's; chapters thirty-four and thirty-five in Dreamer Awakened fanfiction posted, as well as the chapter fifteen in Momiji Hime's Heartbeat.


February 18, 2002:  New summaries and Pictures for episodes 24 and 25; a new picture in the fanart section of Kusanagi by Soncha (she is so talented!); and the next chapter in fanfiction section for Dreamer Awakened.


January 09, 2002:  Another year has dawned and still I'm behind... =( sorry but the only additions for now have been the next chapter in Dreamer Awakened.  Hope to get back on track in very short order...

September 26, 2001:  Added Episode Guides for 22 and 23; also added Chapter 31 in Dreamer Awakened


August 29, 2001:  Added Episode 21 guide and pictures.  Also added Chapter 30 in Dreamer Awakened fanfiction. 


July 27, 2001:  Added Chapter 29 in Dreamer Awakened.  


July 16, 2001:  Added Chapter 28 in Dreamer Awakened, the Fan Art page with a few pieces of art, Episode 20 guides and pictures and the next Omake.  Also updated the Omake "Rainy Day" with some new information kindly provided by Juliet Youngren.


June 21, 2001:  Added Chapter 27 in Dreamer Awakened and the beginning of Momiji Hime's "Heartbeat".  Also added some new links and will be adding a few fan art pictures soon as well as episode guides for the next few episodes.  The picture gallery will be updated AFTER I finish all of the episodes guides; the main reasoning being that I am running out of webspace...


June 08, 2001:  Added Chapter 26 In Dreamer Awakened: for those of you who have been wondering, I am currently experiencing some MAJOR technical difficulties so this update is limited.  I hope to be adding Momiji Hime's Fanfiction Heartbeat to my fanfiction site as well as another Episode Guide for episode 19 shortly.  Please be patient and bear with me until I can get my limping computer patched up and working again....


May 22, 2001:  Added Episode 17 and 18 Summary and pictures; Omake "The Day of Sugishita" and Chapter 25 of Dreamer Awakened.


May 14, 2001:  Added Episode 16 Summary and pictures; Omake G and next chapter in Dreamer Awakened


May 03, 2001:  Added Episode 15 Summary and picture; next chapter in Dreamer Awakened


April 25, 2001:  Added Episode 14 Summary and pictures, next chapter in Dreamer Awakened and Threnody's chapters to her next fiction; also added Omake "Festival Night" and a new link for Anime


April 12, 2001:  Added Episode 13 Summary and pictures, next chapter in Dreamer Awakened; a few pictures added to Gallery 1


April 12, 2001:  Added Episode 12 Summary and pictures, Fan Fiction updated with Chapter 20 and Threnody's Fast Forward fan fiction; Too Much Blue Seed added; a few pictures added to gallery one.  Added Mahjong Omake.


April 5, 2001:  Added a few links, Episode 11 Summary and pictures; more gallery picture for BS 1; and last but not least the next chapter in Blue Seed fanfiction Dreamer Awakened.


March 29, 2001:  Added Episode Ten summary and pictures; added fourth Omake: On a Rainy Day; added chapter Eighteen of the fan fiction Dreamer Awakened; added page 12 of BS picture Gallery; added page 8 of BS2 picture gallery


March 22, 2001:  Added Episode Nine summary and pictures; added Chapter Seventeen of fan fiction Dreamer Awakened


March 17, 2001:  Added Episode Eight and third Omake sequence: Go! Animation Girl.


March 16, 2001:  Added several pages to the Picture Galleries; finally added a few links.  Added next fan fiction chapter.


March 11, 2001:  Added Episode Summary and Pictures for Episode 7 to Guide page


March 10, 2001:  Added Chapter Fifteen of fan fiction, "Dreamer Awakened"


March 8, 2001:  Finished Episode write-up and pictures for episode six.  Posted mythology entries.  Added a page in the Blue Seed picture gallery section.


March 7, 2001:  Finished Episode write-up and picture for episode five.  Put up second Omake Theater with pictures.  Finished seiyuu list.


March 6, 2001:  Added pages to Blue Seed and Blue Seed 2 Gallery.  Added chapter 14 to fanfiction.  Finished write-ups on character profiles.  Finished Episode write-ups through the first four episodes.