Page the fourth. Don't get lost.
Silence, by Draqonelle. This fic is awesome, just like Hot Stuff... Sometimes the whole world just gets a little too dark to bear... And sometimes all it takes it a bitch fight to bring out the best in people. {Contains shonen-ai, mild violence, some strong language, implied sex, nudity, X-rated pancakes, and cat-fighting in the rain.}
Beginnings, by Tao'Rhi. A short ficlet describing, as one might imagine, the first spell Marron even cast. {Contains nothing bad, really... Implied bullying, cute children.}
No Need for Hunters, by Neil Mocha. How much trouble can the hunters get into on their vacation? Well, if you throw in some crazy cabbits and princesses... A lot. Tenchi-Muyo-Sorcerer Hunters cross-over. {Contains cross-over, some strong language, Mihoshi.}
A Different Kind of Relaxation, by Andrea. Mille Feuille proves that there's more than one way to soothe Marron's soul. {Conatins shonen-ai, yaoi lemon, some strong language...}
Untitled, by Yaeko. A Lennon-inspired vignette. {Contains shonen-ai implications, references to children's literature, nonsensicality, strong language, and "animated violence."}
Candles, by Fala. A chain of desire and hatred leads to deep, irrevocable rifts in the Sorcerer Hunter's team. {Contains shonen-ai/yaoi, hetersexuality, implied sexual congress between both willing, and somewhat less willing, partners, sexual harassment, angst, 'light suicide,' light shotacon, depression.}
Through the Breaking Ice, by Fala. Marron and Gateau are all alone in a cave... And nothing ecchi happens! 'What?!' you say. 'Is one of them unconscious?!' Well... Only for a little while... {Contains shonen-ai, mild language.}
That Popular New Genre, by Lady Robyn. Super-short ficlet/conversation regarding... uh... Well, just read it. {Contains shonen-ai, incest.}
Perfect Memory, by Yaeko. Short fic taking place in the same universe as Optimistic. Gateau thinks about what he remembers of other worlds, and about belonging in this world. {Contains AU, shonen-ai/yaoi, the mention of past drug use, mild language.}
I Can't Make You Love Me, by Neil Mocha. An 'alternate ending' to the series, involving . . . um . . . a Bonnie Rait song. Well, life's always been kinda weird, anyway, right? {Contains - uh . . . suff.}
Until Strawberry Sherbet, by Tabby Phobos. This is a sweet - well, sort of - character study about Tira. On vacation, Tira considers her past, her friends, and herself. {Contains mildly 'offensive' language, mild shonen-ai, het, mild character-bashing . . . sort of.}
Teacup Communication, by Fala. A little fic giving about the underappreciated Misu sisters. A pitty fic? Hardly. {Contains nothing besides implied het.}
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