It can be sorta hard to find good websites for Bakuretsu Hunters. It's like that with many cool things...
So, I've decided to compile a list of good BH websites... Not like I can realy judge. I mean, look at my website... ::sigh:: ... Anyway, on with the show...
Links: Sorcerer Hunters is nice, because it's concise and easy-to-use. This site has a lot of the links I would have put on this page, but since they were already all together in one place, I figured I might as well just link there.
Kloot-Chan is awfully cool... A little weird, but then, you'd have to be to love Sorcerer Hunters as much as we all do... There are some pretty funny bits here. Check out Kloot-Chan's BH-related dreams, and her fanart is really good, too (if not a little twisted at times).
Estrigious is completely non-BH, but it *is* anime, and I am in awe of the girls (women?) who do all the artwork. I love the stuff! I would kill to be able to draw like that, only not, because I'm not big on killing (only violent in theory).
FanFiction.Net is a good thing. Their BH selection is pretty slim, but there's some good Escaflowne stuff, and some good Gundam Wing stuff, and whoa, surprise, there's shippy Kaiken Phrase stuff, too. (Way shippy, actually...) Anyway, you've probably been there before, but, ah, whatever. I've got some of the stuff here up on FFN, but also my non-BH stuff. Lok me up, I'm Shini no Miko. (Shameless self promotion!) Rei's also on there as Cat Foxglove with her Labyrinth stuff, and Fala's on there as, well, Fala.
The Inkyis Fala's nutzo and muchly nifty-keen website! Wai! This place is hella funny, and, since it's Fala, who we all love, you know it's going to be great. This place is sooo funny... Fala is my hero, any my huggable, adorable wife. (Confused? Wondering where Fala-chan's
old website went? Have no fear. If, for some reason, you wish to access
TziporiLand, you still may.
Andromeda's Manga Illusion: Bakuretsu Hunters This multi-language site is completely stellar! They've got killer manga scans (in Spain and Italy, the series has been released in its entirety), as well as the ISBN codes and such for all the books and CDs and such. This is really one of the best BH sites I've ever seen.
Bakuretsu Hunter Fan Fiction People say you shouldn't support the competition. Yeah, I never figured that one out. Hobie's magtacular fanfic/fanart/RPG site. Wai...
Katsu Katsu is such a spifty site. Katsu is such an awesome writer. Again, not BH, acually, there's a lot of Gundam stuff here, and a bit of FY stuff, too (Anti-Nagako, anyone?). Also home of the Nanashi Fanfic Contest. Warg, I wish I could write well.
Akemi's Anime World is a general anime site... Uh... Dig the glossary, cause, uh, yeah...
Marron no Den'u Here's a site with images, MP3's, Romaji lyrics, and chara profiles. Wai! It's been a while since anyone updated, tho... Wahn.
Julie's How to Draw Anime This is a site that takes itself seriously, and it really is the best drawing tutorial I've ever found.
Anime Nation It's a store. Eh.
Jim Breen's WWWJDIC It's a Japanese translator! WAI! Romaji. Narf.
Notre Dame's JEDI Another tranlator. Even better than WWWJDIC, I think, but that's just me.
Mirai's World: Bakuretsu Hunters Gods bless Nora. This site is so cool, and Nora's obviously read the manga all the way through. Either that, or she has some secret source tha I don't know about... Hrmm... Anyhoo, I LOVE this site.
Adiemus is, without a doubt, the BEST BH fic I have ever read. (Mine not included, of course... Bah.) A lot of this stuff is on the Aestheticism website (that means it's too adultish for non-members to read), but check out the FAQ's and read what stories you can!
Marron's and Milphey's SH Fest It's a MillexMarron Mailing List... Joined, even though I happen to be the preistess of MiKo... Oh well... Still haven't gotten any mail on the list...
The World Carrot Museum ::Yaeko cackles insanely:: Just trust me on this one, Ducklings. MWAhahahaha...
More coming later. I'm working on finding some good sites, and I have some more, but, mostly, I'm too lazy to add them right now. (I need a