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Duke Dermayle:
A hats-off to Mobile Suit Gundam Wing.
Emperor Maago of Verre Grand-Province:
Maago, as in my sort of weird Japanese-ation of the word ‘mug.’ I happen to find the word ‘mug’ very amusing. He was originally named Maagu, but then I realized that that sounded too much like Mister Magoo, of cartoon and Leslie Nielson fame. ::Shudder.:: Anyhow, ‘verre’ is the French word for glass, as in drinking glass. I iz soooo smart.
Free City Chabo:
This is a little homage to the composer of the music for the show Serial Experiments Lain.
Lady Anbar: Anbar is another name for jasmine
Uan Suy: Uan-Suy is another name for coriander, or cilantro. I think it is a Chinese name.
The Obi: A Japanese geisha ties her obi in the back, while a prostitute will tie hers in the front, under the understanding that she will be untying it so often that to tie it in the back would be too much work. Mille ties his obi in the front because he, unlike a regular geisha would, had no one to tie it in the back. The joke being, in his mind, that he’s gone and hidden the fact that in the core the keikoku are simply prostitutes with a lot of pretense.
Ajo the Fortune Teller: Ajo is the Spanish name for garlic. Teehee, I’m so funny.
Shamisen: A sort of three-stringed “Japanese guitar” that geisha play. Not really a guitar at all.
Air elementals: Homage to Nora and her story Adiemus. Must go read it if you haven’t. She describes the air elementals in the Stellar Church singing.
Yn-leac Koukyuu: The name of Milphey’s koukyuu, and Yn-leac is the name of the owner of the harem. Yn-leac is a folk name for onion. No, I didn’t mean for it to have anything to do with Onion Glace. It just sounded good.
Bajiiru: Japanese form of the name “Basil.” Pseudo-homage to the book Memoirs of a Geisha, in which a mention is made of, I think, English actor Basil Rathbone. Bajiiru is their Nippon-ization of the Englishman’s name.
Baino Lotus: Baino is a folk name for the lotus. So Baino Lotus, literally, means Lotus Lotus. Oh well.
Rue Parosela: Parosela is also know as Desert Rue. So, that was that.
Lammint: Peppermint. This guy’s supposed to be one of the other former Haz Knights, who either Bajiiru or Baino replaced.
Mirufi-jiisan: Uncle Milphey. Teehee. I’d like to have an uncle as freakishly cool as Mi-chan...
Kirohea: My Japanese-ation of Kilowea, a Hawaiian volcano.
About the warrior-beasts: The things they’re fighting when Zaha first shows signs that he’s crazy are similar to the stone monsters in the temple from the Tomb Raider movie. I had to resist the urge to call them Winkies. (Oh, never mind. I know you’re staring at me like I’m nuts. Just keep reading.)
About all the Herb/Food names: Well, just in keeping with the BH tradition. Most of them are courtesy of Cunnigham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, by Scott Cunningham. For anyone who’s read Kokage, that where I got all the apple mythology, too.
Who the hell?!?: Wondering how you managed to miss Bajiiru and Baino when you read the manga? You didn’t. They don’t officially exist. Baino and Bajiiru, and Lammint, too, are Haz Knights indigenous to this fic. Bajiiru was put in so that he could die and leave Zaha a place. Zaha gets replaced by Cinnamon Koocha in my little world. Baino retires and leaves a place for Onion, who eventually gets replaced by Karuua. I don’t know what really happened. It’s just what I created for the purpose of the fic.
What the hell?!?: OK, I admit it. I don’t know the entire BH-manga storyline. I’ve only read up to Volume 4 (as of now). At the time, I didn’t know anything about Zaha’s real history, other than what is in the anime (uh, not much). So I made it up. The only things that are really accurate are as follows: Zaha adopted Tira and Chocolate, Zaha went crazy and killed all his children 13 years before the anime series starts, Momma renounced Zaha when he decided to destroy the world in order to save it (I, by the way, still don’t see the logic in that). Likewise, if Milphey’s history is dealt with at all, I have a feeling that it’s nothing like this ‘history.’
Mima?: Yeah, I happen to think that Milphey nurses a bit of a crush for Momma. I mean, really, how else could a guy like Mi-chan be so loyal for so long! Momma’s probably nursing a little crush of her own, but, oh well. I happen to adore the fictional relationship of MiKo way too much to seriously entertain the thought of a Milphey-Momma romance. ::Holds up a little sign: I *heart mark* Milphey + Nuriko!::
ZAMA??!!?!? But - but - hoooow??????: Fala started this, as far as I’m concerned. I later ascribed to the belief myself. Zaha and Big Momma were totally a couple. It’s hinted at, in my mind, in a conversation Tira and Chocolate have at the end of one of the episodes. (I think it’s on Spell Wars Volume 2, but I’m way too lazy to go through my tapes and check.) Anyway, it’s something to the effect of:
Chocolate: Tira, do you remember our parents?
Tira: Some times, when I close my eyes, I think I can almost see them.
Chocolate: ::Probably closes her eyes, I don’t know, the scene isn’t of them, it’s of the sky, so, who knows, maybe she’s just nuts.:: You’re right, Tira. Tell me about our mother...
Tira: Well, our mother was very beautiful. I mean, just look at us.
Chocolate: And father...
Tira: He’s very scary when he’s angry...
So, I figure, who’s scarier than Zaha when pissed? Well, okay, except Marron and Hakaishin... Also, in some episode, there’s a little boy that she seems very close to... A son?!? Yes, I say! Yes! (Sorry, it’s very late and I just consumed a bowl of rice.) Also, the credits. The pink chick, the one who’s superimposed over the Stellar Church. As far as most of the BHFS chicas are concerned (I don’t know what Neil thinks, but, then, he’s not a chica...), that pink chick is Momma. And it looks to me like she’s very sad over something... Her boyfriend going psycho and trying to kill her favorite employees?! Sounds good to me! (::Clears her throat.:: Like I said, rice.) Say, isn’t Zama a kind of water, or non-alcoholic alcohol, or something? Do I just really need sleep? Do these Author’s Notes need to end? Think about it. These are deep questions I’m asking here, damnit.

I’m done now.

~ Yaeko

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