.................................Sephiroth arrested on charges of being too kawaii..............................................Sephiroth is attacked by a mob of Sephiroth FanGirls outside a local McShinra's......................................................Starlet wins annual "Imaginary Boyfriends Award" - thanks her parents for driving her crazy..............................................Sephiroth's do-katana sold on E-Bay for 1,000,000,000 gil and a Gold Chocobo....................................................NEWSFLASH: Sephiroth freed on kawaii charges after pictures of him as Safer Sephiroth are released to the public..................................................Don Corneo refuses to admit he had the hots for Cloud dressed as a girl...gets thrown off a cliff by Reno..............................................Chocolate a real aphrodesiac, says Scarlet..............................................Welcome, all Bishounen Fans!.....................................................Cloud admists to being an idiot............................................Aerith awarded 1,000,000 gil in suit against Sephiroth for physical and emotional damages...........................................................Hojo is seen in the company of Doctor Kovorkian....................................................................Starlet pokes fun at people with nothing better to do than read this....................................................................Rumors spread about Palmer and his affair with a dairy cow The One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth
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BG music -- Beads of Tears

My Fanfiction (placed here because most are FF7 fics)

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The One-Winged Angel, Sephiroth!

Sephiroth! Sephiroth

My sweet one-winged angel! My only love! Sephy-chan! Sephiroth is an ex-Shinra SOLDIER Frist Class, and is the *cough* Love-child of Professor Hojo and Lucrecia. I will add his stats if I get enough feedback. E-Mail me Here.

Sephiroth: EEEEW! Hojo is NOT my Father! And JENOVA is my mom, so THERE! Also, E-Mail me at Starlet's address. I'm not real, so I don't have my own. But Star-chan will answer for me.

His Pros

His Cons

Beads of Tears
This is the theme from Mermaid Scars, but I like it and put it here. For Seph's BG. I can't get the BG to work, so you have to download it. It's a Real Audio ".rm" file, so it's quick. All BGs are .rm files here.

Well, that's my Sephy-kun. O.K., time for ART OF SEPHY!!!!! WEE!!!


Sephiroth killing Aerith(above)
The famous "Sephy Walks Through Fire!"(background)
Me glomping Sephiroth (thanks 2 Hillary, BTW, for scanning this!)

Sephiroth Fanfics


SOLDIER Dreams is a SephyxZack yaoi lime. Just warnin' ya. By me.
My Fanfiction (placed here because most are FF7 fics)

Please take my Sephy-poll! It's FUN! and EASY!!

Starlet's "Why Do YOU Like Sephiroth?" Poll!

Why do YOU like Sephiroth form FF7?

His Hair!
His Eyes!
His Sword!
His outfit!
He's just SO COOL!
All of the above. (1 - 5)
He killed Aerith/Aeris! YEAH!
He hates Cloud as much as _I_ do!
All of the above.
I don't like him one little bit. Nyah nyah!
Who the HELL is Sephriroth?

Current Results
Free Web Polls

Starlet's Bishounen Hall GuestBook

Sign my Guestbook, and make Sephy-chan HAPPY!

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Email: vampgirl0009@yahoo.com