.................................Zechs reveals that he changed his name to Zechs for 3 reasons:..............................................1) He HATES Milliard 2) He likes the sound of it, and 3) It rhymes with sex......................................................Relena Peacecraft fell mysteriously off a clift, after shouting "Heeeeeeeerooooo! Here I am! Come and kill me!"........Witnesses say Duo was seen in the vacinity, laughing a short while after fall was suspected to occur..............................................Zechs admits that his former boss, Treize Kushrinada, hit on him quite frequently....................................................NEWSFLASH: Treize Kushrinada arrested on charges of being a door..................................................Quatre and Trowa share their secrets on a great sex life..............................................Chocolate a real aphrodesiac, says Heero Yui..............................................Welcome, all Bishounen Fans!.....................................................Lt. Alex admits to being a slut............................................Howard arrested for the over-use of bright-colored Hawaiian shirts...........................................................Dr. J admits he lost his hand after sticking in the mouth of a crocodile to see what would happen....................................................................Starlet pokes fun at people with nothing better to do than read this....................................................................Rumors spread about Treize and his affair with a dairy cow Zechs, the Tallgeese Pilot
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Zechs is SO Bishounen!


Zankoku na Tenshi no TEEZEEveangelion theme. BG music.

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Zechs, the Tallgeese Pilot


This my Zechs room! ZEEEECHS! He's ALMOST as hot as Sephiroth!

Sephiroth: Why, thank you. He's ALMOST as hot as I am. Almost. ^_^

Zechs Marquis, also known as Miliardo Peacecraft, is the pilot of the Gundam, Tallgeese. That's all I really know about him at the time. Send me some more info, please!

Zechs Gallery!

Zechs Wild Turkey Pic (above, background)

His Pros

His Cons

  • I don't think he has any!

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