.................................Populace stunned when D actually smiles in front of a large crowd of clowns..............................................D's Left Hand files for divorce from the rest of D's arm......................................................The Left Hand has now had a restraining order placed against D's arm - the arm may now come no closer than 200 yards to Left Hand..............................................D's No-Dachi sold on E-Bay along with The Vampire Lestat's fangs and Count Chocula's Cape....................................................NEWSFLASH: D's arm has broken the restraining order and was arrested - with the rest of D - on 10,000,000 dallars bail..................................................Doris arrested on chrges of stalking and indecent emposure after folowing D through three towns wearing only an open robe..............................................Scandal follows D after eating a raw steak - D says it wasn't him, it was the dopplegangar following him around..............................................Welcome, all Bishounen Fans!.....................................................Grekko arrested on charges of being an idiot............................................Dan arrested on charges of indecent exposure and peeping...........................................................TNT and Sci Fi channels both admit to cutting up Vampire Hunter D for the cencors....................................................................Vampire Hunter D videogame fun, but the room with the invisible floor is impossible to get through.................................................................... This is the end of the new sentences, and it will now start over in 3... 2... 1... The Morbid Hunter - Vampire Hunter D
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The Mighty Hunter, D


Angel Cop ED. BGM for D.

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The Morbid Hunter - Vampire Hunter D

Vampire Hunter D

This is D. D stars in a movie called Vampire Hunter D in 1985, and in a new movie yet to be released called Vampire Hunter D... ah.. 2 I believe. Anyways....

D is a stoic guy with a long do-katana, much like Sephiroth's. Sephiroth: But I'm MUCH cooler. He has long, rich brown hair, and dark, brooding eyes. He's sooooo mysterious and kakkoi!

D is a Dhampir. That means that he's half-human, half vampire. In the 1st movie, he's called a dampiel, and in the next movie a ... SHUDDER ... Dunpeal. Ugh.

Sephiroth: Hey, at least he isn't called a DUNGPILE!!! :B


Image of D with his symbiot pointed at the audience
Image of D flying at audience with sword... Really cool.>


Vampire Hunter D
His Pros

  • His hair! It's so soft-looking in the new movie... His eyes are the same color as mine! rich brown!
  • His gothiness. I just go GAA-GAA over gothy guys!!!

Hhis Cons

  • He's TOO morbid.
  • He's TOO quiet.
  • He doesn't take human blood when he should.

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