.................................Yuki-yue of yuki-yue and Sailor Jamie-chan's Realm of Bishounen Madness arrested on stalking charges - Duo, when interviewed, said she wouldn't leave him alone..............................................Duo's gundam seen outside Shinigami Inc......................................................AD: Need a scythe? Come on over to Shinigami Inc., Makers of Truly Excellent Scythes..............................................Duo Maxwell signs contract to do commercials for Shinigami Scythes....................................................NEWSFLASH: Relena Darlian arrested for being too smart, too honest, and too cool..................................................A groups of Relena-haters reportedly threw eggs at her limo as she and Duo passed in it on the way to a date.............................................. Duo Maxwell -- Orphan Pilot of Deathscythe Hell
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Duo-chan, the Orphaned God of Death


Zankoku na Tenshi no TEEZE. BGM.

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Duo Maxwell -- Orphan Pilot of Deathscythe Hell


Ahhh.... Duo Maxwell... "The God of Death", as he likes to be called. ^_~ Isn't this pick just HOT?! Look at his tummy.... *drool*

Sephiroth: [sulky] He's just some dumb boy with a braid.

Duo Maxwell is the pilot of the Gundam known as "Deathsythe-Hell". Duo calls it Shinigami, or "Death-God". Duo is, of course, from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. There are just SO MANY CUTIES from GW!

Sephiroth: 9_9 Gimme a break.... *looks at picture of Duo, and pretends to gag, mimicing sticking a finger down his throat.*

His Pros

  • His hair! I love that braid!
  • His eyes! I love indigo....
  • He's got a GREAT sense of humor!

His Cons

  • He thinks he's a Death God.
  • He's annoying.
  • He talks too much.


A Duo Collection(background)

Sexy Duo! (above)

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