..............The Crow - Eric Draven.................................. Gothic and Dark: The Crow
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The Guy who Should Be Dead, Eric Draven!


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Gothic and Dark: The Crow

Eric Draven, the Crow

Okay, so the Crow isn't really anime or game bishounen.... BUT HE IS BISHOUNEN!!! A Bishounen is any cute male. It means litterally, "Pretty Boy".

Sephiroth:Yeah... Prettyboy....... I don't think THAT<<< is very pretty... But it's all in perspective, I suppose....

The Crow is a man named Eric Draven, who was killed by punks who raped and murdered his girlfriend Shelley on the road. (According to the 1994 movie "The Crow", this happened in a loft, but according to J. O'Barr's comic, this happened on the side of a road when Eric and Shelley had car trouble)

He was revived by The Crow for one purpose: Revenge. He also refused to die until the men who did this, Tom Tom, Tin Tin, T Bird, and Fun Boy, were dead -- as it states in the comic, "IT ISN'T DEATH IF YOU REFUSE IT -- IT IS IF YOU ACCEPT IT". Eric, as the face-painted Crow, killed them all, and returned to Shelley's grave, where, I think, he accepted death and died.

Sephiroth:I guess Aerith accepted it pretty well....

~*~The Crow Image Gallery~*~

The Crow Sitting in a Church(Pic Above)

The Crow Walking Toward Us

The Crow Dodging a Kife Thrown By Tin Tin

The Crow Standing with a Crow on His Shoulder

His Pros
  • He is sexy in black -- Poor Brandon Lee played him VERY well... We'll miss you, Brandon.
  • He is tragic, and his story is so sad....
  • He has a nice style of ... well.. killing, I guess, tho I don't approve of killing myself, and he LOVED Shelley so much.........

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