.................................Vincent arrested on charges of being too kawaii..............................................Vincent is attacked by a mob of Vincent FanGirls outside a local McShinra's......................................................Starlet wins annual "Imaginary Boyfriends Award" - thanks her parents for driving her crazy..................................................NEWSFLASH: Vincent freed on kawaii charges after pictures of him as Chaos are released to the public..................................................Don Corneo refuses to admit he had the hots for Cloud dressed as a girl...gets thrown off a cliff by Reno..............................................Chocolate a real aphrodesiac, says Scarlet..............................................Welcome, all Bishounen Fans!.....................................................Cloud admists to being an idiot............................................Vincent awarded 1,000,000 gil in suit against Hojo for physical and emotional damages...........................................................Hojo is seen in the company of Doctor Kovorkian....................................................................Starlet pokes fun at people with nothing better to do than read this....................................................................Lucrecia spotted dating a man who looked suspiciously like Hojo The "Vampire", Vincent Valintine
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That Guy in the Coffin -- Vincent!


Beads of Tears .rm

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The "Vampire", Vincent Valintine

Vincent Valintine

Ahh, Vinnie-chan.. One of my fave bishounen. Remember, folks, room number isn't the same as ranking.

Sephiroth: YES IT IS!!! That's why I'm up front! Buahahahaha!!!!!!!

Vincent is from the game Final Fantasy 7. He was once a Turk, and now is nothing more than a science experiment. He was shot and experimented on by Hojo, Sephy-kun's "daddy". He was trying stop Hojo from creating Sephiroth, cuz he loves Lucricia.


"*" marked pics are from Bishonen no Miko's Shrine to Bishonen. Find the link in Alucard's page.

* Satan Impact(above)
Vinnie Wallpaper

His Pros

  • Red eyes! Yum!
  • Soooo mysterious... *drool*
  • He's HOT!!!!!!!! HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!

His Cons

  • He's kinda... weird sometimes. Cheesy quotes. Seriously! Play as Vinnie after you get him 2 the end of the game, and he starts pointing out things that are REALLY obvious.

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