This is my first attempt at a yaoi. It probably isn't any good, but we'll see.... ~*~SOLDIER Dreams~*~ By Jamie Carlson A Final Fantasy 7 Fic @-}-}--- I am well aware that the Sephy+Zach thing is old, but I couldn't think of anything else unless it involved Cloud, soooo..... NOTE: It isn't a lemon, more of a lime. Enjoy. ---{-{@ Sephiroth threw down his armor, and put away his Masamune. It was the end of a very long day at ShinRa Headquarters, and he just had one thing on his mind - rest! The silver-haired man walked over to the bed, and turned to survey his room. Four-walled, only room enough for his none-too-wide bed and armor as well as spare clothes in a chest at the wall opposite the bed, leaving about three feet of walking space between the bed and the chest. About 8'x10' room, no windows, all metal and sterile. Suite de le Soldier. He sighed, and fell backwards onto his bed, feet dangling off the end. His beautiful makou-eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. He closed them, only for a moment... A knock on his door woke him from a slumber he didn't know he'd fallen into. He sat up. "Come in." The door creaked open, and a spiky black head poked through. Zack, one of his loyal followers and fellow SOLDIERs First Class grinned cheekily at him. Sephiroth couldn't help but smile back. Zack was an old friend, Sephiroth's only real friend in the entire compound, other than that shy, flighty guard-boy, Cloud Strife. "Hey, I just came to see how you were doing," Zack said, entering and closing the door behind him. Sephiroth rolled his enhanced-emerald eyes, and waved a hand. "Oh, come now. Everyone knows that Sephiroth the Great can't get killed in field training." Zack grinned his cheeky grin, bright makou-blue-gray eyes, a wonderfully unique combination, lighting up. "True, true," said Zack, perching on Sephiroth's clothes chest. He crossed his legs, and the happy look suddenly faded. "Sephiroth, there's something I need to tell you..." The older SOLDIER's eyes became worried, and he became wary. "Zack? What is it?" Blushing, actually blushing, Zack looked away. "I... I wasn't going to say anything because I was worried you would hate me...." "Why would I hate you?" "Sephiroth... I'm... in love with you." "You love me," Sephiroth repeated, staring blankly at his friend. Zack's chest tightened, and he thought he'd lost his best friend and the object of his affections for good. Then the flat look became a smile, the smile a grin. "I had wondered how long it would take for you to admit that!" Sephirthoth said, laughing. Zack stared at his mentor and friend in disbelief. Sephiroth stood, closed the tiny distance between the two, and pulled Zack to his feet, kissing him gently on the lips. "Sephiroth?!" Zack squeaked. Sephiroth wrapped him in a warm embrace. "I admit it. I dream about you every night. I love your eyes, your wild hair, your mouth," he kissed it for emphasis, "and everything else about you. I love you too." Zack's shock became joy, and kissed Sephiroth back, hesitantly at first. Then Sephiroth's tongue gently prodded Zack's lips, and he parted them, allowing the searching tongue entry. Sephiroth moaned, as Zack's own tongue entered his mouth. The two pressed as close together as they could, heat radiating from their bodies. Sephioth's hands slid up Zack's chest, then down. Zack gasped as Sephiroth's fingertips gently brushed against his groin. The two began helping each other out of their clothes, and tumbled into bed, limbs tangled. Sephiroth, breath coming faster and heavier, looked into his soon-to-be lover's eyes. "Are you okay with this?" he asked. Zack grinned like a little boy, and nodded. "Of course. I've always wanted it, I think." He kissed Sephiroth again, and the two became entwined in passionate love. ~*~*~*~ Sephiroth and Zack lay in each other's arms. Their naked bodies fit together perfectly, like they were molded for each other, Zack's head lay on Sephiroth's chest, and both were tired and rather sore from their first experience as close lovers. Zack looked up at him, love filling his eyes. "Sephiroth... was I your first?" With a heavy sigh, Sephiroth shook his silver head. "No, Zack. I'm afraid I have to say no. If it's any consolation, you were my first of the same sex." "You're my first... of any sex, same or opposite." "Does that bother you?" "No." Zack smiled. "It's perfect. Actually, I'm happy I didn't make a fool out of myself! I'm so inexperienced. With you, it was rather obvious you'd done this, or something like it before." "Damn. Here I thought you thought I was perfect!" "Sephiroth, I don't *think* you're perfect." Zack sighed in contentment, an kissed his lover. "I *know* you are." @-}-}--- Questions?Comments? You can find copies of this at both sites. "SOLDIER Dreams" Copyright(c) Jamie Carlson, 2000 Final Fantasy 7 belongs to SQUARESOFT Intertainment LTD. I do not own Sephiroth, ShinRa, Zack, or any other characters or places mentioned in this fic. I make no money, so please don't sue. It's not worth it.