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"About Espers"

      The way I see it is, the Land of Monsters, known as the Esper World in Final Fantasy 3/6, is connected to a few select, magic-ladened worlds. There started out a few families, with Asura and Leviathan as the heads of two Households that combined when they were wed. Asura, Leviathan, Ramuh/Indra, and Palador all are the oldest - they have never died.
      The other Espers die and are replaces, thus the varring forms that they take in each game. Bahamut's three "forms" in FF7 are actually three differnt Bahamuts - Bahamut, NeoBahamut, and BahamutZERO. There are three seperate Espers alive that have each name at once - Starlet, NeoStarlet, and StarletZERO. (The Starlet in my fic was StarletZERO. She is referred to as "Starlet" when not in the presence of other Starlets. It works this way for all Espers -- Lord Bahamut (as he was addressed in FF2/4) is BahamutZERO now, and was NeoBahamut then.)
      When one ZERO Esper dies, the next in line, the Neo Esper, becomes the ZERO Esper, and the Esper bearing the name becomes Neo, and the baby (there is always a baby alive at the time, but it is given a seperate name until it is figured out who it will be or receives the powers) becomes the Esper.
      In my fic (fics when I do the other ones) Starlet is Asura's daughter. Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Maduin (Terra's daddy), and Phantom are also Asura and Leviathan's children, and Starlet's siblings, making Starlet Terra's aunt. This will all be explained later, or e-mail me at for more info.
      Thank you for your time.