Name:Farfello Real Name: Jei Nationality: Irish Age: 18 Eyes: Red (Manga), Gold/Yellow (Anime) Hair: Red (Manga), White/Silverish (Anime) Power: Feels no physical pain Other Abilities: Skilled in knife combat...actually any kind of combat/torture/mutilation Weapon: Lots and lots of Knives Seiyuu: Nakao Ryuusei Out of all four members of Schwarz, Farfello is most likely the least sane of them all. With his addiction to knife licking, self-mutilation, "death to God" ramblings etc., Farfie isn't quite right in the head. Blaming the death of his parents and sister on God, one of Farfello's wishes is "the death of God". Although Farfello is on a mission to kill God, he was actually a very religious child raised by a very religious family. His real mother was actually a nun. When not being useful, Farfello is not only put in a straight jacket, but put upside down with his feet attatched to the ceiling in a straight jacket. He is restained to not only prevent harm to others, but to prevent him from commiting suicide.
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