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For the love of StarFreedom, I am the senshi of the cleansing fire. On behalf of the Fire brother, I will vanquish you!

Senshi Name: Guardian StarFire
Earth Name: Jennifer Lynn McCormick
Real Name: Yoake Kasei
Name Meaning: Dawn of the Firestar
Age: 16
Height: 5’8’’
Eyes: black
Hair: red-black
Fuku Appearance: thigh high black high heeled boots, black gloves that almost reach her elbows, black shorts with crisscrossing belts, black halter top with a red band around the bottom, a gold star in the middle, and a red triangle of fabric at the top.
General Appearance: Jen is tall with red-black hair that is usually worn in a long ponytail and black eyes. She prefers to wear blue jeans and t-shirts, and has a ring on her wedding finger.
Blood type: AB
Birthday: March 21
Astrological sign: Aries
Favorite Food: Spring rolls
Least Favorite Food: fish and asparagus
Favorite Subject: gym
Least Favorite: math
Favorite Gemstone: star ruby
Favorite Colors: red, black, blue
Favorite Animal: fox
Favorite Cartoon Characters: Shippou (Inu Yasha)
Favorite Mythological Animal: Kitsune
Elements: fire
Hobbies: fencing, drawing
When He/She Grows Up: Will most likely take her mother’s place ruling her home world.
STRENGTHS: good leader
WEAKNESSES: confrontational
WHAT HE/SHE'S LIKE: Jen has a very brackish personality. She is the leader of the Guardians and doesn't really like people all that much. She has difficulties trusting others, especially men. StarFire will remain friends with the senshi until her objective is completed: defeat Kage Neko. After that, who knows what she'll do. HISTORY (Present Day): She and two other Guardians – StarLight and StarSinger – came to Earth chasing the group that had left most of their system’s worlds in ruin and corrupted the fourth Guardian, StarLove, to their cause. After an initial distrust of the senshi, they came to work together and defeated the Darkstar Kingdom and recovered their friend.
The Guardians Trilogy, of which only two parts are complete, takes place after Sailor Stars. The characters were all around during the earlier seasons, but had no reason to leave their own galaxy to help Earth out as they had their own problems to deal with.
Henshin Item: none
Henshin Phrase: Fire Cosmic Power, Make Up!
Aries Flaming Disk
Flames Burn/ Fire Blaze
Flaming Circle Rise
Eternal Fire Cleansing