For truth and light, I am the senshi of the life source, Guardian StarLight. On behalf of the Earth Mother, I will defeat you!

Senshi Name: Guardian StarLight
English name: Tyler Wolf
Real name: Utano Okami
Name Meaning: Song of the Wolf
Age: 16 (Earth age)
Height: 5’4’’
Weight:124 lbs
Eyes: silver
Hair: silver
Fuku Appearance: thigh high black high heeled boots, black gloves that almost reach her elbows, black shorts with crisscrossing belts, black halter top with a gray band around the bottom, a gold star in the middle, and a gray triangle of fabric at the top.
General Appearance: With her very untidy hair and coloring, she does tend to resemble Yaten a great deal, but no one really makes that mistake twice as she has a predatory look to her.
Blood type: B
Birthday: September 13
Astrological sign: Virgo
Favorite Food: chips and salsa
Least Favorite Food: hamburgers and hotdogs
Favorite Subject: Gym
Least Favorite: Literature
Favorite Gemstone: opal
Favorite Colors: pale blue, gray, silver
Favorite Animal: wolf
Favorite Cartoon Characters: Taz(Looney Toons), Osaka and Chiyo (Azumanga Daioh)
Favorite Mythological Animal: werewolf
Elements: earth
Hobbies: racing, animals
When He/She Grows Up: Will most likely take her mother’s place ruling her home world.
STRENGTHS: physically strong
WEAKNESSES: keeping her sarcasm in check
WHAT SHE'S LIKE: Tyler, generally called Wolf by everyone, is the hard one to get to know in the group. She’s the smart one and, for some odd reason, the most physically powerful. She rarely displays her strength, preferring to hide it from people who’d ask too many questions. She’s restless and can be very brash and often acts without thinking about the consequences.
Wolf can be very sarcastic and pessimistic, but has her moments. She is well-known for her odd eating habits and tastes in food. She appreciates a good prank every once in a while, and has occasionally joked to Jen (StarFire), that if she wasn’t interested in Seiya that she’d take him off her hands. When referred to as a Sailor, she gets rather irritable. She was once a Sailor known as Virgo, but hasn’t been one for many, many years. Her voice has a growl to it, making her sound very animal-like.

HISTORY (Present Day): She and two other Guardians – StarFire and StarSinger – came to Earth chasing the group that had left most of their system’s worlds in ruin and corrupted the fourth Guardian, StarLove, to their cause. After an initial distrust of the senshi, they came to work together and defeated the Darkstar Kingdom and recovered their friend.
Henshin Item: none
Henshin Phrase: Earth Cosmic Power, Make Up!
Virgo Motion Pause
She says this to freeze an enemy in its tracks. This only lasts for 30 seconds. This is usually long enough for one of the others to get a shot in or for her to move away to attack again.
Double Snake Twist
Her most used attack. Makes a beam shaped like two snakes and they wrap around the enemy and drain their powers.
Earth Rumble
This one is very hard to control and so isn’t used very often. It grants her temporary control over the element Earth.
Earth Healing Light!
Returns a youma to its original form.

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