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Guardian StarSinger
"For the joy of song, I am the senshi of music, Guardian StarSinger. On behalf of the Water Sister, I will chastise you!"/b>

American Name: Serena Kyle
Japanese Name: Namida Tenshi
Name Meaning: Tears of the Angel
Birthday: March 4
Astrological sign: Pisces
Blood type: O
Hobby: swimming, reading, music
Favorite Food: ?
Least favorite food: sandwiches
Favorite Color: blues
Least Favorite Color: neon colors
Favorite Subject: music
Least Favorite Subject: gym
Club membership: band
Has Trouble With: showing emotion
Gem: sapphire
Flower: blue rose
Element: Water
Height: 5'11

Serena Kyle is also known as the mysterious Guardian StarSinger. She is the eldest of the group, and the most magically powerful, even though she can't heal a youma. She can keep control of her element longer than the others.
Serena has knee length blue-black hair and deep blue eyes. Her eyes always have a sad look to them, making people believe that she is always on the verge of crying. Despite this, she's a very cheerful person, even though she hides he deeper emotions from others.

Special Powers

Water Cosmic Power, Make Up!
Serena says this to transform into StarSinger
Pisces Water Dragon
Sends a dragon shaped stream of water to weaken the enemy.
Water Wall Surround
Creates a protective barrier of water
Water Rise
Gives her temporary control over the element Water.