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Ok, here are my views on the upcoming consol war! In writing this I am being as unbiased as possible and telling it how I see it! Also near the bottem of this page is a form so you can have your say!


Gamecube-  Nintendo have learnt a lot after the N64 and this is shown with the Gamecube. The main problem with the Nintendo 64 was the lack of third party support. Nintendo have now significantly lowered the price of making games for the system and have also made it a lot easier to develop for! Opinion was divided with the N64's use of which may have eliminated loading times but also scared a lot of 3rd party support away, with carts being considered "Old Technology" and also being more costly to produce. Another plus with DVD's, because of their price, makes releasing demo disks actually practical (I can't wait to play with that 128 Mario's demo).

Nintendo also has a history of being hugely innovative, always pushing genres to the max or making new Genres. Nintendo defiantly has the strongest in-house development as well as 2nd party developers (We all love Rare).Nintendo is also usually at the forefront of new new technology in the gaming world (they invented the D-pad and were first to use the potential of an analogue pad etc) and are taking advantage of awesome technology for their Gamecube consol (Massive polygon pushing count).

One of Nintendo's main advantages would have to be their game franchises, with such golden gems as Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby - Just to name a few. Mario is the most famous Nintendo character of all time, in fact he is actually more famous than Mickey Mouse! Love them or hate them, Pokemon are huge and add millions onto Nintendo's profit and pretty much anything that has a Pokemon on it is guaranteed to sell. Zelda has to be my fav game series and it has a huge following (anyone see how many Zelda ODT carts were pre ordered?) and is one of the most successful game series of all time, without any of the games selling less than 4 million copies (forget the crappy 3do whatsits). Nintendo have a huge reputation for Gameplay!

Rare, I have mentioned before, but really they are such a large part of Nintendo's success, that I really have to give them more room! Rare are partly owned by Nintendo, and only make games for Nintendo and what games they are! Incase you didn't know Rare are responsible for these following games!

Goldeneye (N64) has anyone not played this?
Perfect Dark (N64) the best N64 game so far?
Donkeykong (N64) Awesome and huge platformer.
Jetforce Gemini  (N64) A huge quest.
Donkeykong (Snes) A lot of people asked "This is on the Snes?"
Killer Instinct (Snes) See DK (above)
Snake Rattle and Roll (Nes) My fav Nes game!
As well as many others!

-Don't have to buy the purple one!
-The price
-Connects to Gameboy Advances
-Controller packs have huge memory
-Funky controller
-Some features haven't been unveiled yet
-Four controller ports
-Nintendo are aaffiliated with Matsushita the largest name in electronics (Panasonic), who are making the DVD's for Nintendo and it has been announced that Future Panasonic DVD's that are able to play Gamecube games!


-A lot of people don't know as much about this as the PSX2
-Some people do not like the look of the consol
-There isn't as much news on it at the moment as other consols
-Some people will not like the fact that it can't play DVD movies! Although some think that the "Games only" approach is better because people with DVD players or people that only want ti to play games don't have to pay for something they won't use.
-Isn't backwards compatible like the PSX2 is!
-Doesn't fit into most entertainment units well.

Playstation 2

Because of the huge success of the psx1 this consol has and will sell quite a few units. The Psx2 also doubles as a CD-Player, DVD-Player, And Plays Psx1 games and can even play some Psx1 enhanced! The Playstation also has huge advertising and will probably attract mainstream and casual gamers. The Psx2 also sold 980,000 units over it's launch date in Japan. Also the Playstation2 has been all over the news and will sell a lot of units before the X-box and Gcube are even released!

-Gran Tourismo 2000 and the Tekken series
-The controller ports can be used with existing controllers/wheels etc
-Rotating psx2 logo for when it stands vertically
-Can fit easily into most entertainment units
-Evolving menu OS
-Takes existing memory cards


-The Playstation2 is not very easy to programme for and a lot of  3rd parties have complained over the lack of ram
-Dodgy ant-aliasing
-Games are super easy to pirate, just copy onto a CD and remove the cut-scenes! (I do not recommend Pirating as it robs developers of money and can jack up the prices of games making it more costly for other gamers)
-The price
-Having to separately buy the stands (if you want them)
-Most popular PSX titles are now appearing on other consols (Metalgear solid, Res Evil, Crash etc)

It's really too early to say much about this at the moment.

-Huge Budget
-Plays DVD Movies
-Hard drive?
-Four controller ports
-Microsoft have a lot of power
-Easy to programme for
-Lots of third part support
-Powerful hardware
-Most people have a very cautious attitude towards it at the moment.
-A lot of anti-microsoft people.
-A lot of people who have computers may not be too interested.
-Hard drive?

A lot of people ruled this out and even laughed at it! The Dreamcast has actually started to become quite a fun system and Sega is starting to get some rep back with this one! The Dreamcast the first 128-bit system and has some great games and will have quite a firm foothold before the next systems come out and may have been underestimated!

Your Opinion!
-Any Opinions shall be added to this page! (within reason)

Why hasn't the PS2 sold millions? 'Cause of its price. If it was at the regualr console price, it would have left all others consoles for dead, and you know it. And we know it won't be too long until the price tags drop. Yes, big mistake by Sony, but then, look at Nintendo's mistake of last year. Nintendos mistake of last year was the fact it didn't advertise. N64 would probably been a huge success sales wise if it had. N64 would probably been a huge success sales wise if it had. Yes, the GameCube is better than the PS2. Why wouldn't it be? Its coming out a year after the damn thing!

Too true DW, if the psx was cheaper it would have sold truckloads! So many more people would get it, I mean a DVD player for that price? Bargin! Also everytime I see someone looking at a psx2 in a store, they allways comment about how it is soo expensive. I think Nintendo has it right! No DVD (on the Nversion) and cheaper price



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