-N-Help - PokeSnap-
Stuck on Pokesnap
How on earth do I get past the Valley level in Pokemon Snap. I know
you have to get the Mankey dowm to the switch and i can do that but when
I hit him with a ball or apple he just tries to hit me or is knocked out
and doesnt go near the switch at all! I really need someones help.
Yours , Kate
Wollams Reply
At the beginning of the level throw pester balls at the Squirtles and
make them leave the river.Later down the river you will find the Squirtles
sunbathing at the base of a hill.At the top of the hill is a Mankey.Through
pester balls at the Squirtles and they should roll up the hill.With a bit
of luck and timing the Mankey should fall off the hill and land near the
switch,throw another pester ball at the Mankey and he will fall backwards
onto the switch!!!!
If anyone else has any questions
dont be afraid!!!!