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Review N64 - Jet Force Gemini

Another game made by the great Rare? Kewl! Jet Force Gemini is a third person action/shooty game with attitude! The objective in Jet Force Gemini is to rid the universe of an evil tyrant and free the good guys whilst exploring the well designed levels for various items.

Jet Force plays pretty much like any 3-d shooter and isn't terribly original but it is designed very well and is FUN to play. JFG is a tough nut to crack and is a huge game - In fact a lot of people don't like this game because of it - I have actually seen a lot of reviews slamming this game for it! I think it is ludicrous to mark a game down for that. In fact I think it is actually the main strength of the game, if you are anything like me you won't put the game down until you explore every crack in every level. I commend Rare for listening to most hard-core gamers, who are demanding tougher games, since games are usually a lot easier than they used to be, and then they are slammed by people for making the game long? Oh well, I like it  8)

Graphic wise this game is a visual treat to look at, the levels are usually bright and interesting to look at and differ a lot from each other, adding to the sense of wanting to see what the next level looks like. In fact I think these are some of the top visuals ever seen on the 64. All of the characters are also extremely well detailed and have convincing animation. Oh, and the pyrotechnics (explosions) are awesome to watch - They can take up a whole screen and have very good lighting effects. Art guys at rare, give yourselves a big pat on the back!

The area that this game really excels in is it's control system! In short, the controls are awesome! A longer explanation of the controls goes like this, JFG really has two sets of controls and moving, but you can move between them just by pressing and holding the L button. The first system is just like Goldeneye's default control system, The stick moves and the C-buttons Strafe/Look Up/Down. This control system is good for making your way around the levels. The second control system is necessary because of the 3-D nature of the attacking enemy's, this mode is just like Turok's default control system. In this mode you character becomes transparent and a crossheir appears on the screen, the stick and the C-buttons now swap jobs. The stick is now the Strafe/Aim and the C-buttons are movement. 
This mode is awesome for taking out enemy's and you really should use it whenever you are being attacked. This may seem confusing at first and is actually something that turns people off the game when they first play it. In reality, this is a very good control system that took Rare to think of it. After a while you will eventually become used to it and can change systems without even noticing you are doing it. People who play both Goldeneye and Turok often will have an easier time adjusting.

Music in this game is usually atmospheric but can sometimes get repetitive (Hello first level). The sound effects though are simply amazing! Quite frankly, they are defiantly up there with Rogue Squadron! Hook this up to a TV with a huge stereo and prepare to be amazed! Awesome Stuff! Very Awesome indeed!

Also an added bonus in this game is the co-op feature. whilst very limited, it does add to the game and once more I commend Rare for having this instead of none what so ever. Once you find Floyd the droid (typical rare humour), the second control can be used to control the shiney pal. Floyd can fire his double lazers at any enemy on the screen and lock onto them. The screen always stays as a single screen and you can't actually move fold, but he can provide some extra firepower, in fact I have been known to play this game holding two controllers so I can use the 1-Player character and get a bit of extra fire power (very tricky to do well). Multi-player is also quite decent, if you know someone else that is into the game, as newbies won't usually be able to handle the controls and the camera makes any close combat pretty much impossible. There are a couple of different modes you can use and the target mode is always good fun.
An awesome 1-player experience and a decent multi-player game make this a package that is hard to refuse, defiantly one of the most underrated games out! Rare show their dazzling brilliance again!

Oh and it is fun!   8)

Gameplay- 90%
Sound- 96%
Graphics- 98%
Overall- 94%

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