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Pokemon Pinball Review

QWhat do you get if you cross Pokemon and Pinball?
APokemon Pinball! (sorry)
Now that we have that futile attept of humour out of the way we can get on with the review (yay!)
Some of my friends have said that they have played Pokemon Pinball or seen it and didnt think too
much of it but when I forced them to actually sit down and play it for more than a minute they quite quickly changed their minds quite quickly! Pokemon Pinball is one of those games that you just cannot put down and you constantly find yourself thinking "just one more quick go"
Pokemon Pinball utilises the cleverest save game feature I have seen which is actually quite simple
and left me wondering why I havnt seen it in this type of game before.When I first got told that you can save your game (not just the pokedex ) in Pokemon Pinball I must admit I was quite worried thinking öh great there goes the whole point of pinball (getting a high score)"thinking that you could keep saving and then if anything went wrong that you could just start from the last save.When you save the game you are booted out of the game back to the main menu and the second you load your save game it gets deleted (insert sadistic laughter) and yes this is a good thing ok?
Another thing you may notice about the game is that it has a strange lump at the top of the cartridge,this is the in-built rumble pak (works the same as an n64 rumble pak(ie it rumbles)) which takes AAA batteries (with one included). The rumble pak is quite strong (don't worry its not strong enough to send the GB flying out of your grip and out the 2nd story window!) and does add to the beliveability that you are actually playing pinball but in the end I found it just a battery-eating-novelty!
Another thing you may notice about the game is that it has a strange lump at the top of the cartridge,this is the in-built rumble pak (works the same as an n64 rumble pak(ie it rumbles)) which takes AAA batteries (with one included). The rumble pak is quite strong (don't worry its not strong enough to send the GB flying out of your grip and out the 2nd story window!) and does add to the beliveability that you are actually playing pinball but in the end I found it just a battery-eating-novelty!
Another thing you may notice about the game is that it has a strange lump at the top of the cartridge,this is the in-built rumble pak (works the same as an n64 rumble pak(ie it rumbles)) which takes AAA batteries (with one included). The rumble pak is quite strong (don't worry its not strong enough to send the GB flying out of your grip and out the 2nd story window!) and does add to the beliveability that you are actually playing pinball but in the end I found it just a battery-eating-novelty!
Do you remember how thick the Pokemon instruction book was in comparison to normal GB manuels? You would be forgiven to think that this game would be simple and have a far skinnier book (well it is pinball after all how complex can it really be?) but you would be wrong (why do you think the box is so big?) it is about the same size as the red/blue instruction book (yes its all in english).This is a pretty complex game for a pinball game,to catch a Pokemon you first have to hit the pokeball up the right lane untill you light up all the arrows.After lighting up the arrows you have to get the ball into the Bellsprouts mouth (red table) and then a shrouded Pokemon image appears (just like in the cartoon)consisting of six boxes and each time you hit a top bumper (Voltorb) it unsroudes one square of the Pokemon.When the Pokemon is toatally unshrouded you have to hit it a few times to catch it,ITS THAT SIMPLE!!!!(Evolving them is the complex part).
This game is packing it when it comes to features.Two of my fav features are the Pikachu-kickback and being able to nudge the table UPWARDS!! Pikachu-kickback is when a pikachu is in one of the outlanes (paths that lead below the flippers).The pikachu can be charged up to use a "thunder-shock"
to send the ball back into play.Nudging the table upwards is a real-last-resort move that involves the ball being in one of the outlanes (past the Pikachu) and about to roll "down the drain"as I call it but just before the ball rolls out of play you lift the opposite flipper up and press select,sending the ball flying up into the air and hopefully through the middle of your flippers back into play Brilliant!!!
The only problem with this move is if you try this move in your local arcade (which we don't have in Blenhiem DOH!) which usually for some unforseen reason upsets the owner when you lift up the table DOH! There is one bug in this game however that I feel IT IS MY DUTY TO MY COUNTRY (or not) to mention,once when I was cranking up a high score (as I do) the ball flew straight through my flippers which resulted in my CBG also having a flight (lucky Nintendo things are well made!).
Buy it now,you know you want to.
Plus Realistic ball physics
         All you fav Pokemon in one game
         The save-game feature
         Less "cheap pinball deaths"
         The flippers arn't actually to far apart (like in most Pinball)
         All ways a chance to save your ball
         Awesome bonus levels where you can really "crank up your score"
         Clear graphics

Minus Only 2 main tables
            That flipper glitch (even if it rarly results in loss of ball)

Comment-Sorry that I faulted this game but it had to be said.

The not so low down-

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