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Android #17

From: Dragonball Z

17.jpg (20125 bytes)Looks: Gorgeous. (the few guys in dragonball who has straight hair). Just look at the picture!!! He's kinda short and he doesn't look particularly strong but then again, looks can be deceiving.

Personality: cocky, confident, overall EVIL!! MWHAHAHA!! Have this obsession of 'having fun'

Special Abilities: unlimited energy, very fast and strong. Able to defeat most of the Z warriors with ease.

Sweetheart(s): none that I know of yet!

Commnets: I dunno much about him, just that he's awesome and has the most gorgeous crystal blue eyes, and jet black hair. ^_^

I like Android #17 mainly because I like this fashion taste, and being absolutely gorgeous does help. He's crude, merciless *yummy* (just joking)


Bishounen suggested by 'Danielle'