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From: Princess Mononoke

ashitaka.jpg (104540 bytes)Looks: handsome but you'd like Ashitaka more for his personality than his looks. Definitely the best looking guy in the movie (no doubt about that but then, there isn't much competition to begin with). Average height with shoulder length black hair.

Personality: Ashitaka has a very kind soul. He's caring and in touch with his human side and also to nature. He thinks rationally and act on it. He's smart and good looking to boot *swoon*.

Special Abilities: He's naturally strong but being cursed by the possessed boar, he is even stronger. His skills lies with his archery but he can fight competently with his sword and not to mention he's agile too boot. 

Sweetheart(s): well, it's not official or anything but he and San seems to have something going on together.

Comments: Whoa baby, this guy can handle 2 of the strongest and most determined women, AT THE SAME TIME. And walked out casually with one slinging from his shoulder, despite being shot through the stomach!!! THEN pushed the gate open single handedly when it usually takes 10 men to do it! *swoon*. Admittedly, Ashitaka isn't one of those bishounen you go *swoon* at the first sight of him, but his sweet character and his strong determination makes him better than most bishounens.
