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From: Bastard

karlo.jpg (49174 bytes)Looks: white blonde hair with icy blue eyes *drool*. Need I say more.

Personality: There isn't a lot character development on Karlo. Even though he's a bad guy however he seems to have good intentions. I mean, such a good looking bishounen can't be THAT bad. Anyway, in the manga, he turns into a good guy...

Special Abilities: I think he has cold spells, the exact opposite from Dark Schnieder. He's magical powers probably not as good as DS but it probably comes very close to it.

Sweetheart(s): None in the Anime but I'm too sure about the Manga.

Comments: I know that in the anime (which I'm basing this on), Karlo only showed up for about 5 minutes max but as soon as I saw him, I knew that he was a MAJOR bishounen. Although I don't know a lot about this guy but he's blonde, has ice blue eyes, has ice (cold) magic so that puts him slightly in advantage of Dark Schneider... but I don't actually know who will win IF they had a battle.
