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From: Shamanic Princess

lyon4.jpg (47235 bytes)Looks: Lyon's looks are hard to describe. He's not absolutely gorgeous but he definitely has charm *swoon*. Definitely good looking but not as good looking as most bishounens such as Kagetsu.

Personality: Lyon's very loyal, would jump of a cliff if his partner, Lena, told him to (I'm not saying he's dumb or anything). He also has a sense of humor (that's rather rare in Shamanic Princess). He's not quiet or anything but you feel there is so much about him you just don't know.

Special Abilities: although not as powerful as those with loyal blood (e.g. Tiara and Lena) but he proves himself to be quite a fighter. He's fast and strong, fighting along the side of his partner Lena. When Lena gives him her powers, he turns into 'battle mode' and transform to something similar to Tiara (although in his transformed state, he's still not strong as Tiara). However, Lyon's power cannot be neutralize therefore he can kick Kagetsu's butt anytime *yay* (hey, don't get me wrong, I like Kagetsu as well but not as much as I like Lyon).

Sweetheart(s): Lyon doesn't play a big role in Shamanic Princess hence not a lot is known about him, although I think he has something for his partner Lena (I mean, he's so loyal to her). Too bad Lena likes Kagetsu (is she dumb or what?) but she seems to care a great deal about Lyon as well.

Comments: Okay, this guy isn't the main character and people don't realize him cause he is overshadowed by Kagetsu, who is the main male character in the anime. Lyon is absolutely PERFECT. He's loyal to his partner Lena, so loyal that he would die for her (*spoiler* which in a way he did) and he's so a weird way... He's strong and fast, and his powers kicks @rse..... and he's my favourite bishounen!!
