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From: Samurai Shodown

sogetsu.jpg (41337 bytes)Looks: long LONG blue hair. Tall and masculine. In simply words: gorgeous hunk

Personality: He's slightly (actually he's very) arrogant (yeah, but he IS good). And he seems pretty cold hearted like his blade... but hell, I LOVE HIM!!!

Special Abilities: He's power lies in his abilities with water, may it be water balls (?) or creating a pillar of water... and his blade also seem to have a water kinda effect.

Sweetheart(s): none that I know of (yay), but I only played the game so I'm not absolutely sure about the storyline.

Comments: There are several reason why I like him so much. 1. because he's the hottest guy in the game (you have to admit that he is) 2. he's pretty much impossible to beat. He's attacks are very simple but deadly. He's good in either bust or slash mode but my favourite is bust (his 3 waterball attack is pretty hard to jump over ^-^). Have I mentioned how hot he is... just look at him...*swoon* the hair, the stance *sigh* plus he's good at fighting.
