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From: Fushigi Yuugi

suboshi.jpg (32902 bytes)Looks: One of the best looking guys in Fushigi Yuugi (if I may say so myself). Being only 15, he still has that teenage look on his face. He and his twin brother has the nicest hair style with fringe split on the opposite side to his brother (whatever side it may be). Not tall but not short either.

Personality: a bit insane but that's normal for Fushigi Yuugi. However, he's very devoted and loyal to his miko Yui, who he loves (idiot, you're too good for her). He's feelings and emotions get the better of him and he ends up killing a lot of innocent people. However, he has a sweet and loving side to him...

Special Abilities: Unlike his twin brother, Suboshi cannot totally control his power. His power is controlling these balls which spins rapidly and acts like a deadly weapon.

Sweetheart(s): Yui. He died saying her name *wail*... but she so does not deserve him. Suboshi was never really loved by anyone except for his twin brother Amiboshi so when Yui showed a hint of being nice to him, he turned all puppy on her (poor guy, a victim of Yui)

Comments: Okay, I know he is a blood lustful psychopathic killer but who can't feel a little sorry for him? *spoiler* it was so sad how he died and holding onto Yui's ribbon...while all Yui can think about is "Tamahome"...makes me want to puke...
