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From: Battle Angel Alita

yugo.jpg (27634 bytes)Looks: good looking in a cute boyish way. Messy black hair and usually scruffily dressed.

Personality: willing to go all out for what he wants (to the extreme). A bit like Aladdin (okay okay, a bad analogy but he is something like a street rat).

Special Abilities: he's very smart and capable (but obviously not smart enough to be fooled by Victor). He has a knack for mechanical stuff and give him some time and experience, he might be as good as Ido himself.

Sweetheart(s): Alita. And don't even bother fighting with her. If you even try to make a move on Yugo, she'll probably smash your brains in, then cut off you head to sell to the factory THEN she'll rip out your spine to sell to the black market.

Comments: Yugo Yugo Yugo. If only he wasn't so motivated by his dreams than it would all end happily. Yugo, so determined to get to the satelite Zalem (I think that's what they called it), he went all out for it. Fooled by Victor in thinking that money will get him to Zalem, he stole people's spine for it. Why did it had to end so tragically *sob*. And I got all my hopes up for a happy ending (damnit).
