From: Slayers
Looks: Um, not overall attractive but there is something about Zelgadis that draws people to him (in a good way). He's not very tall, with rough and stony skin, wiry hair, but everybody loves Zelgadis anyway ^-^
Personality: Zelgadis may seem to be a tough guy but inside he's a real softie. He really cares for his friends and will fight along side with them if they need any help.
Special Abilities: Since Zelgadis is like 1/3 golem, he's wounds heal very quickly. Also, his stone skin is hair to penetrate in the first place. He's also very very fast. He's a great swordsman (but not as good as Gourry) and he's also a great magician (but not as good as Lina)...
Sweetheart(s): a lot of Slayer fans seems to think that Zelgadis and Lina make a good couple, well... GET OVER IT! LINA GOES TOGETHER WITH GOURRY!!! Ahem... okay, in the series, they kinda match Zelgadis with this princess called Amelia... but it's not official or anything like that...
Comments: I actually really like Zelgadis until... I watched the English dubbed version and then it was downhill all the way... WHAT'S WITH THE VOICE ANYWAY! HE SOUNDS LIKE HE'S HALF ASLEEP!!!! Okay, besides ALL the bad points, Zelgadis is not bad. As I said before, he can fight both with magic and sword. He's smart (well, smarter than Gourry anyway) and that has to count in his favour in an anime series filled with idiots ^-^