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Vegetarian Recipes

Welcome to my recipe page! I am starting out this page with a couple of my favorites and hope that you will give them a try. I also hope that if you have any vegetarian recipes that you think others would enjoy, that you will submit them to me via my email with "recipe" as the subject, and I will post as many as I can on my recipe page. Thanks, and enjoy!!

Lentil/Bean Loaf

Preheat oven to 350f.
1 Cup Cooked Lentils or Pinto Beans
1/2 Cup Walnuts
1 Egg
1 12 ounce Can Evaporated Milk
1&1/2 Cups Cornflakes, Bread or Cracker Crumbs (or any combination)
1 Large Onion
1/4 tsp Sage
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 Cup Vegetable Oil

Put all ingredients together in a food processor and blend, but do NOT puree. If you don't have a food processor you can just finely chop all ingredients and blend well. Place mixture in an oiled loaf pan and bake for about 45 minutes. Serve with vegetarian mushroom or brown gravy and mashed potatoes. Yum Yum!

Chili-Cheese-Corn Casserole

Preheat oven to 375f.
2 Cans Whole Kernel Corn
2-4 ounce cans chopped green chilis
1 Cup Cornmeal
4 Eggs
16 Ounces Sour Cream
1 Cup Diced Cheddar Cheese
1 Cup Diced Monterey Jack Cheese
1/4 Cup Onion (optional).

Stir all ingredients together and pour into baking dish. Bake approximately 40 minutes. Very Tasty Although Quite High In Fat!

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