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It was a rainy, cold afternoon when Lita was making her way home. She didn't mind the rain that dripped from her lashes and hair. Infact, she didn't even mind the cold. All she thought about was comming home to her warm bed to listen to the pattering of the rain on her window. It was during these times when her mind would wander and her insperation soar. "I wonder what I should draw today?", she thought.

The sound of a thunder crash...the flash of brilliant all some how made her feel complete and secure. She stopped for a moment to gaze at the black mass ahead of her. A crooked beam of light streaked across the sky and lit the features of her face. She decided she better be on her way, and picked up the pace to a slow trot. It was so dark that the bright, white sidewalk appeared to glowing. With the rain and the tapping of her feet on the cement, all other sounds were drowned out. Staring at the sidewalk as it wizzed below her feet, she began to daydream...

A sudden sound caught her attention and she stopped to listen. Her softly lit eyes widened to peer through the blackness and her wet hair hung still. Another beam of light flashed and lit the shadows of the trees. "Is someone there?"...she stood still to listen again...A blow to head from behind leaves her motionless in a puddle as the rain from high above fell lightly on her limp body.