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Chrystel Pictures

Charactersketches 1-2001: I tryed to get her character down. I wanted her hair to have the same sort of curls you can see in for instance Laura. Maybe I simply thought she'd look so adorable with such that everybody would be absolutely charmed by it. I wasn't able to get it to work, though. This wasn't even my first try. (Trust me, you don't wanna see those.)
Clothes-study 7-2001: Chrystel is basically wearing the same sort of clothe as Stereotype Angel. It's never seemed to reveal much of his bodyform, so I was a bit in doubt about how many curves there would apear on Chrystel.
Crystel in blue 10-2001: A fast sketch I made of her in a very bad mood while driving at the bus.
Modelsheet 11-2001: Some charactersketches I made of Chrystel on the back of some of my papers during a lecture. This was where i finally removed that stupid hair in front of her ears. She looks so much better without it. Chrystels hair has gone throught a LOT of evolution since my first idea of it never worked out even thought I tryed all sorts of solutions.
Profilepicture 1-27 2002: The b/w profilepicture of Chrystel. I know the dato on the drawing says february, but I was lazy as I wrote the dates at that time, and didn't bother to check the exact dates.

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The drawings on this page are © Gwennafran (That's me). Please don't use or copy them without permission.