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Stereotype Devil Pictures

Nonchibi Stereotype Devil 08-3 2000: Crappy pic. I wanted to make her out of chibiform to match the pic with the nonchibi angel. But it didn't turn out very well.
Stereotype Devil 10-09 2000: Since Stereotype Devil and Angel were created as chibi characters there's no telling of what they look like in the "grown up" version. So I'm having fun drawing them in different looks. I kind of like this one. It's coloured with markers.
Stereotype Devil02-14 2001: After making the angel in markers I kind of felt I had to do the devil as well. However, I didn't had acces to M-chans wonderful markers while doing this, so the result isn't quite as good.
Devil in blue 04-20 2001: More playing with my blue pencil.
Stereotype Devil with money 6-25 200: Stereotype Devil with a lot of money. Made with markers.
Stereotype Devil with money 2 6-26 2001: More pictures with a moneyloving devil.
*NEW* Stereotype Devil Profilepic (B/W) 1-27 2002 I'm planning to do a profile-section where I'll be using this picture for Stereotype Devil

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The drawings on this page are © Gwennafran (That's me). Please don't use or copy them without permission.