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Michael Pictures

Deciding for a look 1-2001: This ougth to be in a "mixed" gallery, but since the most important person on the picture is Michael and most of the picture can be related to him, I've placed it here. The little female angel at the bottom to the left is an early version of Chrystel. Anyway, the three angels at the top are all posible versions of Michael. The hippieversion was Copycats idea because I mentioned I was in doubt about the length of his hair. She said that if he was going to have long hair he should be a hippie. I did not like that idea! For Michael, that is. ^_~ I loved the ideas concepts, so I changed that poor angel into Raphael down in the corner. Sooner or later I'm goona introduce the little archangel of art and medical healing. ^_~
Sketches 7-2001: Practicing his look here. And figuring out his height. hehe, Stereotype Angel looks like a little kid next to him. *EG*
Characterstudy 11-2001: One of my papers had been ruined by some ink, so I used it trying to figure out the exact look of Michaels face.
More studying 1-2002: I was sitting in a train drawing a bit. Ended up working on Michael. The little thing in the upper left corner is a tumbnail for a larger picture I was planning.
Profilepicture 3-2 2002: The b/w profilepicture of michael. I was lazy as i placed dates on the profilepictures, so I just made it a february-pic. because I didn't bother to check the exact date.

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The drawings on this page are © Gwennafran (That's me). Please don't use or copy them without permission.