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Wings, halos and other stereotype features.

The Angels Halo: I’m theoretically against halos. You can find a more detailed explanation about that in the history of STDA. However, since the angel is stereotype he has a halo, and I’m kind of beginning to like it. It’s amazing how useful such a stupid thing can be. It helps expressing the angel’s feelings and you can have a lot of fun out of it at the same time. I can’t really say what kind of nature the halo is though. It changes as I find it convenient. Sometimes it’s solid and other times it’s more like a ring of light. Don’t ask, ‘kay.

The Angel’s Speed: He’s fast. ^-^ I figured that someone who is to bring messages for God has to move with the speed of mind. It would be rather embarrassing if the word of God was late. (Yes, I’m sick. No, I don’t want mental help.)

Apocryphal Books: There is a LOT of sacred texts. Some of these is gathered to the Bible and is called the canonical. Of cource, there is a dispute between Christians and Jews, and various sects among these, on which texts should be considered canonical.
Texts that isn't considered legimate to fit "the Bible" is called the apocryphal books. that's where you find most of the "good" angelic information. Honestly, the bible doesn't say much on that subject. ^_~

The Board Game: They’re playing with human destines. Each little piece are a person or a “thing”. There are three different sorts of persons. Good guys (they have halos), bad guys (they have little tridents) and the ones in between. Somehow, I’m afraid Stereotype Devil and Angel take that a little too literally.

Censurship: I really have a little cousin. OK. Maybe it's not just because of her that I taken away the worst violence and swearing. The comic would simply lose some of it's innocense if I didn't.
However, I'm NOT ready to take away the sesual related hints and the minor battles or swearing because of that. The way I figure it you have to be at a surtain level of matureness to even understand a sexual hint for real, and if you are it can't be my responbility but your own dirty mind. Also, I've heard children talking... I do not have problems using minor swearing, I only take away the more... unike parts. (And yes. I do pretty much consider the f-word as part of the "minor swearing". You should see the things I DO take away. ^_~)

Chibi Drawings: There are two main reasons for STDA is being made with chibi drawings.
1. It’s a comedy and it saves me time. Chibi style isn’t very detailed.
2. Wings! I love drawing wings, but maybe I overdo it a liiiittle too much. If I took Stereotupe Devil and Angel out of their chibi forms the angel’s wings would be longer than him. Such wings take a lot of time to make, and they’re hard to put into a comic page without destroying the picture composition.
Stereotype Devil and Angel were made as chibi characters right from the beginning and as a result of that, I can’t really say how they look if you make them “big”. That’s one of the things I have with fun when I have the time. I’m on an eternal search for their more mature forms.

The Devil’s Fangs: She actually has some. They’re a late detail and I didn’t start making them till page 11, but I thought she ought to have some. You rarely see them though. They aren’t that big.

The Devil’s Wings: Somewhere along page seven I realised that since the devil was a fallen angel she should have wings. I never really thought about it before that. Apparently I don’t think of a stereotype devil as something with wings. Too many American movies, I guess. (It’s hard to make good wings on film, so smart people avoid doing such a thing.) Anyway, the devil does have wings. But since her nature is of lies and betrayal she’s able to change her own appearance, and has chosen not to show them. Probably because very few people find black batwings attractive. A more practical reason not to make them is, that it would be a disturbing element. There would simply be too much black around the devil while the rest of the page is mainly white.

Genders: The stereotype angel must be male. It’s a very old tradition showing angels as male creatures. However, there are plenty of female demons, so it was rather easy to get down Stereotype Devil and Angels genders. After that I started wondering which gender to give an angel if you had to be correct. Y’know, some people say they don’t have a gender. Anyway, there are stories of Angels having “fun” with the daughters of man. They even ended up with children. So I figured there had to be male angels. Then I turned things around. There are, as mentioned earlier, plenty of female demons, and since devils are fallen angels, there has to be female angels as well. After reading up a little, doing some actual research, I realised that there WAS female angels. So I guess I wasn't all wrong from the beginning. ^_~

Hands: I don’t make those if I can get away with it. I hate hands. I kind of go with the philosophy that rather than using tons of time on hands and ending up making mistakes with them anyway, I make them simple and keep my good mood. Making something that’s supposed to be funny isn’t very easy if you’re furious about your drawings. OK. *L* Throughout time I’ve become a little better with hands and started to make them in the detailed version, but these words should explain the first pages...

Heaven/Hells history: Since there's so many versions and myths to chose between I've made it easy and written down which i go by. Well, the most necesary knowlegde about it at the least. It's to be found in the "characters" section.

Long Legs: Well, since Stereotype Devil and Angel are made in chibi I can’t really make those. But honestly, it’s my favourite way of drawing: To give my characters long legs. I have to struggle with every single stereotype picture to not make my legs to long. Sometimes it doesn’t works out. (Note for instance page 12)

Shadows: After reading an artbook I realised that I don't make any shadows. @_@ I reconsidered it a bit and came to the conclusion that I don't wan't the characters to have shadows in my comic. The location they're moving in doesn't have any specific light source, and the characters themself ain't exactly normal mortal beings, so instead of just forgetting all about it, I'll now ignore it deliberately.

Time: I thought a little about what timescale to use and came up with eternities. It's abstract enought to fit to creatures who's existed since the beginning of time. Human years is used as well, but that's only when using wery little timescales. Usually while talking about, or comparing to, humans.

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The drawings on this page are © Gwennafran (That's me). Please don't use or copy them without permission.