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Stereotype Devils 'how to open a gift' guide (I know. Crappy pic. But I like the idea.)


I love gifts! I'll be so happy if you send me one. As you can see the Stereotype Devil love gifts as well. And Stereotype Angel of cource. If the devil let him get a hand on them...

This is all the gifts I've recieved so far. I've divided them into galleries. By clicking at the artists name you'll either go to their respective homepages or get their emailaddy. (If no homepage is awailible)

Giftart Gallery

1 2 3 4 5



Main - Manga - Art - Characters - Gifts -.Links - Weird Details - Updates - Mail - Guestbook

The drawings on this page are © Gwennafran (That's me). Please don't use or copy them without permission.