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Giftgalleri 2

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Alex and Stereotype Devil *L* This came together with my giftart (look at previous picture). M-chan wouldn't let me show this unless I said very clearly that it's a quick sketch, so you better read this: It's a sketch! (I'm so nice to my friends, ne?) I starts to giggle everytime I read it. Perhaps I should give my little stereotypes some names...

Guestapperance in Paladins HavenThis is not really a giftart but Alexandra let me put it here anyway. She gave my little cuties a guest-apperances in her comic Paladins Haven. *G* I think the devil is winning that fight. She seems very certain of victory. Perhaps I should give the angel a harp. *L* I'm sure he loves music very much.

Stereotype Devil This wonderful picture was given to me by Andre. After seing this the devil has started to put up demands for some new clothes and extra jewelery. Ek! @_@ I've tryed to tell her she's supposed to be simple and easy to draw, but she simply won't listen to me.

Stereotype Devil and AngelA wonderful picture from Stephanie. I love the way she made the wings. I'm definately gonna try to do something simular some day. (If I ever get the time that is)

Stereotype Devil and AngelThis was given to me by Starline who got a wonderful online manga about a guardian angel. Which I hope she's got a very good relationship with 'cause she's going to need some serious protection once my little stereotypes sees this!!! And no, it's NOT gonna happen! She did this on her own. (Now, after saying this i gotta mention that I love the pic. *L* That little burning heart would describe love from the devil very well. ^-^)

Stereotype Angel It's her again. ^-^ Stephanie has made the angel as a little ikon. It's really cool. I can't work this small.

Stereotype Devil Another little ikon from Stephanie. What is Stereotype Angel without the devil to interact with? *Throws a bottle of paint after the angel as he's yelling "happy" in the background* I didn't ask you!

Stereotype AngelShe's done it again. Pernille sent me a pic of the angel as well. ^-^ And she's gotten the colours of his flamesword right even though I never showed it in colours. Hmmm... Angel saw this and started to murmur something about people who finally had got his gender right. *sweatdrop* You can all see he's a guy on my pictures, right? (Please say yes.) Anyway, I'll like to thank Pernille one more time. ^___^

Stereotype Devil and AngelI got this one from Raven. *L* Considering the fact that the angels has existed since the beginning of time I believe they've had plenty of time to ad words to their vocabulary. ^_~ Thanks Raven.

Stereotype Devil and Angel and The green Bean Picture from The Green Bean. The bean is himself. And it's so cute. ^-^ Kawaii. I can understand that the Angel doesn't want to eat that.

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The drawings on this page are © Gwennafran (That's me). Please don't use or copy them without permission.