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Pages I for some reason find worth visiting. You won't find many banners in here because first of all they take time to load and second not all of these pages have a banner. Actually, there's only banners on the pages I have direct influence on, and so far that's the only one ^-^.
Oh well, I'm just gonna copy my friend M-chan and show my links like this: Little description behind every page. To the owners, please don't get mad at me if I should say something you don't think is right. Just slip me a mail and I'll change it. My favorite pages are written in bold.

Pages I got some influence on:

Kagami Manga
A douinshi circle which I'm cofounder of ^-^

Gwennafrans Sammenskrab
My Danish mainpage. Art and a like. On Danish...

Copycat's JAG-fiction
Copycat is a very good friend of mine. In fact, she's the one who's going through all my mangapages for grammar mistakes. If it wasn't for her the dialouge in Stereotype Devil and Angel would be a LOT worse than it is by now. She's a great writer. Go pay her a visit. (OK. So I'm biased. She's my friend... )

My Lothlorien gallery at Elfwood Lots of fantasy art made by me. And you get to learn my real name. But shhhh... Don't tell.

My Zone 47 gallery at Elfwood Science fiction made by me. Again, as in the Lothlorien section. My real name is exposed.

My gallery at Tegnebordet. (Danish Page) Danish artpage. Pretty much the same to say as said at Elfwood...

Other Online Manga Pages:

*REPAIRED* Angelic Precinct 57. Just the name makes me love it ^-^. It's one of my favourite pages. Fascinating story and great art.
Boy Meets Boy This comic is so funny. And the little chibi god/bad conscious who sometimes apears are simply adorable.
Cellys Wings A cute page with a lot of angels and a sweet story. I love it simply for the dialog it contains about Gods gender. ^_~ (OK. That's not the only reason I like it)
Dancing for the Stars. Shoujo manga in a fantasy universe. Cute story. Great art. Deserves more visitors. Go visit ^-^.
Dark Pride. Gourgeous artwork and a facinating story. I simply love her style.
Demonology 101 A demon in high school? This manga is incredible. Very personal artwork and some deep characters.
Eisus pageHuge artpage from a fantastic artist. There's not only one online comic here. There's several. And they're all good!
Eversummer Eve This comic could be sold as a "profesional". Our luck that it isn't 'cause that means we can get it for free. Incredible artwork! And they're made at an almost unrealistic speed. Updates every week.
*NEW* Fate Martyr Sapheire Fantasy comic about... Well... Someone who doesn't like the idea of following the concept of fate. ^_~ (I suck at describing things) Anyway, it's made in pencil and I basically love the style that gives. The art realy makes it worth reading. And it practically got daily updates. Another reason for visiting! ^___^
Ink Soup Lip-Smacking Art and Comics. In a can! (Just to use her own words. She's a great artist. Pay her a visit.)
*NEW* Lovarian Adventures Fantasy comic at a very high level. Deffinately worth paying a visit.
Marie's weyr M_chans page ^-^. She's got a huge anime and manga section including her own online manga.
Minor Reality My friend Martins page. It ain't manga. But hey, I'm not japanese. ^_~ Anyway, his persons got so much personality even though he has a very simple style of drawing them.
Mirrorable My friend Sørens online manga. It's about the girl Silvane who gets a magical mirror which links her to a fantasy world.
Mission Trance Shounen ai manga on a really high level. The story is fasinating and quite dark. Visit highly recomended...
*REPAIRED* Nepthia: The Lady of the Tomb What can I say, I got a weakness for vampires and mummygirls. *G* No honestly, I really like this page. The story has somehow managed to catch me.
Pelelos. If you like greek mythology you gonna laugh so much while reading this.
Rurouni Kenshin Tales of the Swirly-eyed Samurai. Great page! Professional manga for your downloading pleasure.
Scott McClouds homepage This guy is somewhat near a pioner when it comes to online comics. He actually takes the media serious *sveatdrop* DO visit his side! Read his thoughts about online comics. They're MORE than worth it!
Sundowner A funny sci fi manga. I admire the artists ability to make backgrounds. Something i really need to practice myself.
Teen Angel Hilarous manga bout a couple of boys who dies and... Well, I won't spoil it, but er're talking both devils and angels here, and it's really worth reading. ^___^
Tei and Riki Cute shounen-ai manga. It's really funny to see how the artist has evolved through the pages of her story.
The Wings of Change Very cute comic contayning both fairys, dragons and winged elves. ^_~ You gotta love it. Also, Mari Rose has coloured some of my stuff, so I'm in for supporting her!
Zenith Dreamscabe A 208 pages long finished comic with gourgeous art and a catching story. About the conflict between Dreamscabe, the world of dreams, and our world. (Well, not really, actually, but ti's to long to explain.)

Artpages with great tutorials!

Aimee's page Exelent art and plenty of tutorials. I love this place. just visit...
Dragon Shadows Beatyfull art and some very useful tutorials on wings. (Other tutorials as well. But those suits the theme on my page. *G*)
How to Draw manga Host for Julie Dillons fabulous online tutorials
Karmatoons Inc It got the coolest animation tutorial. And even though you doesn't plan to do animation you should go read it anyway. It got a lot of general drawingtips as well.
Online Manga University Great tutorials! It even got some on how to make actual mangapages...
Polykarbon Lots of arts and exelent tutorials. Go there!
Scott McClouds homepage This guy is somewhat near a pioner when it comes to online comics. He actually takes the media serious *sveatdrop* DO visit his side! Read his thoughts about online comics. They're MORE than worth it! (I know, he's under online comics too. But he deserves it.)


Alpha Omega Naomis page. It got some beatyful art in it. And... naomi is another member of Kagami Manga. ^___^
Daydreamer Julie Dillons page. Lots of gourgeous art. She's the main reason that I colour in my computer painted pictures in the style I'm using.
Devia Dirkdancer Devias side. Gallery with lots of guestart. All showing Devia ^-^.
Homepage of Jakob Kramer Danish artist. He got the coolest art. You gotta go see his stuff.
The Manga Eye Annies page. Another member of Kagami manga. Lot's of pretty pictures.
Mette's gallery My friend Mettes homepage. Well, actually it's her Elfwood gallery since her homepage is in Danish, but you can follow the link to her homepage from there. She's so talented. Go look at her art. ^-^
Pernilles hjemmeside My friend Pernilles page. It's on Danish, but she has some amasing art.
Solo's Online Portfolio My friend Solos page. Art and alike.

Art Places. (In lack of a better name)

Elfwood Fantasy and science fiction gallery. I think this is the greatest collection of artist on the net.
Keenspace Provides free hosting for online comics. Lots and lots of online comics. ^_~
Keenspot To copy their own words: "Keenspot is the largest publisher of exclusive webcomics..." In other words: Lots and lots of great online comics.
OCAD Online Comic Artist Directory. Name kind of esplains itself. You can find online manga and artists here.
Tegnebordet Danish page. Not in english!!! Art and forum.
Umbrella Studios A gathering of douinshi artist.

The Pro Ones

Bone I simply love this comic. And if you go to the library here you cab read some of the albums. ^___^
Franka The official Franka page. It's in dutch so you probably won't understand very much. Taking advantage of both the Danish, German and English language I can understand pretty much half of the text. But I'm a big Franka-fan, so i have it here anyway. ^^
Homepage of Joe Madureira Former Marvel artist now making the comic Battle Chaser. His art are truly amazing. He's somehow managed to combine the american superherostyle with mangastyle taking the best from both.
Valhalla One of my favourite comics. This page is great! It even shows the process of making a comic. You should visit. Even though you don't know the comic itself.

Other pages

Sarah's Archangels THE place to go for angelic informations.
Sagadog's Page My friend and Copycats roommate Sagadog has a homepage. She writes differen sort of stuff. For instance JAG-fanfiction.

Link me:

STDA angelic banner 40x200

STDA diabolic banner 40x200

STDA angelic banner 60x468

STDA diabolic banner 60x468

If you want to give me a link here's some banners you can use.

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The drawings on this page are © Gwennafran (That's me). Please don't use or copy them without permission.