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Copycats Table

My friend Copycat has recently moved to a dorm. She and her new flatmate Sagadog (I know this sounds weird from their choice of names, but they seem to get along well) decided they wanted me to decorate their dinnertable with STDA-motives. So I took the trip to their "new town" (it's about 30 miles from the school I go to) one Tuesday, since I didn't have to come to the first class Wednesday, so I figured I could take the bus from their town to my school at the time I usually take the bus from home in the morning, and still get there in time. I ended up not getting to bed before 3.30 AM since this took far more time than I'd planned. And I didn't make my appearance in school before 12 the next day. Anyway, Copycat got her table. And she claims she likes it. ^_~

Now, unlike me, Copycat has a life, so she had to go through this pretty quick. It's my fault, not hers, if the grammer isn't compleatly correct. (As always.)

Sketch 1: My first sketch with proposals for motives for the table.

Sketch 2: The next paper of sketches. The little hippielike Angel in the middle of the paper is made after Copycats proposal for the Archangel Michael. (Long story. Ended up making him into another Archangel instead.) Anyway, I ended up using the two pics from sketch one and the two left pics from paper two...

Pic 1: I started out making a rough area of main colour on both of the caracters. After looking at this Copycat's roommate made the comment "as long as YOU know what you're doing..." Guess I am doing this the opposite way of how I usually make a coloured motive. Here I make the black lines as the last thing.

Pic 2: Stereotype Angels flesh-colour + the haircolours/Devils trident/tail is added. Now you can actually see what it's supposed to end up like.

Pic 3: Copycat's roomie took this picture. It's me with the pencil. ^_~ I added this to show the size of the table.

Pic 4: I've added white and black.

Pic 5: Half of the table. Shadows and highlights have been added.

Pic 6: Other half of the table. Read description above...

Pic 7: Copycat's door. While I painted she started out by cutting her favourite Calvin and Hobbes-strips out of three albums and decorated her door with them. The result became really cool. I would like a door like this as well. But I gotta admit, I was rather shocked when she first found the scissors.

Pic 8: First half of the table. Almost finished for lining [I don't know what you mean here, so I haven't crrected it, but it's wrong.]. Angel now has shoes and a harp. And they have eyes. Which by the way look rather spooky without any black. (One of the only things missing is the orange in Devil's eyes.)

Pic 9: Second half of the table. Read description above. The little doll Stereotype Devil is holding now has colours. By now it's around 1 AM.

Pic 10: First pic finished. I forgot Devil's shoes while using black the first time, so they're added in the second round. Also, I took the picture from the wrong angle. There wasn't much room to operate on. (My knees were really hurting after eight hours of either standing or sitting on the floor. During the lining I used a chair since I didn't have to move very much doing that.)

Pic 11: Second pic finished. It's now around 2 AM. I've decided NOT to make an appearance for my first class next morning. Devil's sign is to be read from right to left. I used a speedmarker to most of the text. It was a little too hard doing that with a pencil.

Pic 12: Third picture. And yes, Stereotype Devil does own a little doll. She dresses it up in expensive close and jewellery. (Maybe as a compensation since she doesn't really wear much herself. She is, after all, a girl. And she does like fancy dresses.)

Pic 13: Fourth picture. In case you're wondering Stereotype Angel is balancing on Devils trident. Hey, they had discussions in the Middle Ages about how many angels could dance on a needle's head. Don't tell me one angel should have any problems with a trident!

Pic 14: The entire table.

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The drawings on this page are © Gwennafran (That's me). Please don't use or copy them without permission.