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Thanks to:

M-chans ZOO

M-chan: This wonderful girl was the one giving me the inspiration to make Stereotype Devil and Angel in the first place. If it weren’t for her I would never have thought of them. She’s also the reason I became so attached to anime/manga as I am. Thanks M-chan, you’re a great muse and a wonderful friend.

Copycats Page
Copycat: Poor thing. I’m taking advantage of our friendship and throw all my crappy English in her face so she can go through my bad grammar. The language of STDA may not be the best English, but that’s because of my choice of words. Not her! She raise the level of this manga.

Jeans page
Jean: For giving me my first gift art and, more importantly, being a great support and offering very useful ideas and suggestions. She was the one who gave me the idea of what to do with Stereotype Devils wings. I don’t know if I’d have come to that conclusion by myself, so thanks Jean. ^_^

My little cousin. LOL I don’t even know if she’s ever going to read this, but she’s my bad excuse for “censuring” stuff away forcing people to use their imagination instead. That’s so much more efficient than I would ever be able to draw or write.

History of STDA.

In early March of Y2K I had an e-mail discussion going on with M-chan. She was making an manga for her art class which , among other things, had an angel who was supposed to fight a vampire. That was the start for a lot of theoretical chit chat about angels and which weapons such creatures should use, if they should use weapons or even fight at all. It turned out that both of us were against angels having halos. They’re nothing but a symbol of divine light and that shouldn’t be necessary for an angel to carry around. Anyway, somewhere along the line I suggested that she could give her angel a halo anyway and make her (the angel was female) use it as a weapon. Her response was, that if she gave her angel a halo, she would just drop it the moment someone hit her. I somehow found this comment so comical what I was still laughing about it three days later. Perhaps the very idea of an angel losing its halo like that simply took so much of the divine glory away from the poor creature that I couldn’t help but love it. (Don’t ask. I have a sick sense of humour) Anyway, after accidentally thinking of the comment at work (that was rather embarrassing, you try to explain your more sane co-workers why you’re smiling like that.) I realised that I had to draw an angel loosing his halo to get it out of my head.

It’s never really been my style to limit myself into only doing one thing at the time. At the time I started drawing STDA I was working on a manga called Lillith. So naturally I decided to make STDA short and simple so I would be quickly done. I made a “storyboard” on something near ten pages, and decided that I would make it in chibi drawings (first of all ‘cause I wouldn’t need to make detailed hands), not have any serious backgrounds, and not care about making drawing mistakes.
Since it should be quickly done, and my angel had to have a halo (which I’m theoretically against), I decided to make necessity a virtue and make my characters as stereotype as they could get. The joke in it all would be to break a little of the stereotype image without going against the characters nature. As an example, for those of you not aware of it, angels do fight with flame swords.
On two-three weeks I had the first four pages down on paper. Then I started doing something else and didn’t touch STDA for three months. Around June I got Summer vacation and more time and did some more pages, and in August I put up the homepage with seven pages. So yes, I’m a rather slow worker, but that’s partly because I have so many projects running at the same time.

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The drawings on this page are © Gwennafran (That's me). Please don't use or copy them without permission.