Bishonen? Um, right. I like chicken too. Actually, for those of us who do not know what a 'bishonen' is, I shall tell you. Basically, if you're a guy and some random chick yells, "Bishonen!" and points at you, it doesn't mean you have to run away and jump into a lake. Bishonen are supposed be in terms of a "hott mutha" or a "cutie w/ a booty" (don't go putting this in your japanese/english dictionary). Yes, so basically you are hot. Coming from the Japanese language, bishonen basically means, "hott BOY!". So there is my first and last Japanese lesson for all you computer geeks out there*). Now you know what a bishonen is. If you are still confused, by all means, click on the Sakura badge to find out what bishonens really, truly are dictionary-wise. But I'm telling you, they're supposedly 'hot BOYS, hot BOYS' Yeah ok, on to the fun stuff. =P *Kidding ^_^ Notice if you put your cursor ontop of the images out comes a tab. Do not take them seriously, ppl for they were written w/ sarcasm.