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The Art of Edcel J. Reyes

This site was re-created on: September 23, 2005:

Hi everyone! <3 Welcome to The Art of Edcel Jasmine Reyes :)
Hang on, this site is under major construction!

If you have any comments, questions, or feedback, I am just an e-mail away. Ciao!


Edcel ^^

Mallow says: 'SIGN IT!' View My Slambook! | Sign My Slambook!Mallow II says: 'Sign it NOW! =)'

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Copyright © 2006 Edcel Jasmine Reyes. All Rights Reserved.
All original characters/stories on this site may not be reproduced, republished or distributed in any form without arrangement.
All Guestart is copyrighted to their respective artists.

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