I thought it would be fun to tell you what I have to do in order to complete a one episode summary. It will also help you to understand why completing a number of episodes takes so much time.
~ I go to the site with the screen shots I'm going to use and save them into my computer. Then I print out a copy of the episode script.
~ I take the script in my room and watch the episode. While I'm watching the episode I'm constantly pausing the tape and taking notes on the actions of the characters.
~ Once I've finished watching the episode and taking notes I begin to type the summary into the script. I just type it like a story. I explain as best I can what I viewed so it's understandable and enjoyable. This usually takes up a lot of time at the computer, which annoys my family... ^_^;
~ Next I go through the summary, adding HTML codes that will put in color once added to my site.
~ I then look through the images and place them where the belong in the summary. Sometimes I forget where they go and I have to watch the episode again *-_-
~ Then I take the summary and divide it into sections and paste them onto pages on my site.
~ After that I'm pretty much done. I check through the series of pages that make up the summary to check for errors and make sure everything is functioning properly. The last thing I do is post the episode in the index.