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Episode 196 Continued...

Back in the throne room, the inner senshi's star seeds float into Galaxia's hands and she laughs. The inner senshi are still standing in the pillars of light that removed their star seeds. Then the light disappears and the inner senshi fall to the ground. The Sailor Star Lights look at Sailor Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus on the floor. Sailor Star Healer gets up and falls on her knees in front of the dying senshi.

Healer: "No way! Why? Why? For us?"
Sailor Mercury is on her back, beaten and bruised. She is breathing slowly and she answers Sailor Star Healer.
Mercury: "To... save... important... people..."
Sailor Star Maker doesn't understand why they made such a sacrifice.

Maker: "Important people?"
Sailor Venus is on her stomach. Tears are in her eyes as her body begins to fade away and turn into glowing lights (like fireflies).
Venus: "Yes... both Sailor Moon and Starlights... are important... to us..."
Sailor Star Fighter is shocked.

Fighter: "Oh, God! Even if you might fade away?"
Sailor Jupiter is on her back and she begins to fade too.
*See Sailor Jupiter die and fade away*
Jupiter: "Please... in our place... protect Usagi... and this world!"
Sailor Moon sees Sailor Mars in front of her on her back. She crawls forward and holds her in her arms.
Moon: "Rei... Rei!"
*See Sailor Moon crawl to Sailor Mars as the other senshi fade away*
Moon: "Rei!"
Sailor Moon looks back at the other inner senshi who's bodies are fading away and floating up into the sky like fireflies.
Moon: "Everyone!"
She looks into the sky and yells and cries.
Moon: "Wait! Makoto! Minako! Ami! Don't leave me! Don't leave me alone!"
She hugs Sailor Mars and cries. Sailor Mars puts her hand on Sailor Moon's head. Sailor Moon looks at Sailor Mars. She begins to fade away.
Mars: "You... are... too... sweet... be... strong!"
Sailor Moon cries.
Moon: "Rei! Don't..."
Tears are streaming down her face.
Moon: "We promised to be together until the end! Please don't leave me alone!"
Sailor Mars has tears in her eyes.
Rei: "Don't... forget... you... have... Mamoru..."
Sailor Mars gasps and smiles at Sailor Moon.
*See Sailor Mars talking to Sailor Moon before she dies*
Rei: "Sorry... I can't... protect... you..."
Then Sailor Mars shuts her eyes, dies, and fades away. The yellow sparkles float out of Sailor Moon's arms and she tries to grabs one. It disintegrates and floats away. Sailor Moon just sits and cries.
Moon: "Rei!"
*See Sailor Mars disappearing from Sailor Moon's arms*
She speaks softly as she looks up.
Moon: "No..."
Then she yells into the sky.
Moon: "No!"
She gets up and walks towards Galaxia, screaming at her as she cries.
Moon: "Return them to me! Return Rei! Makoto, Minako and Ami!"

Moon: "Return them!"
Galaxia just sits in her throne resting her head on her hand as she hold the inner senshi's star seeds. She holds out her hand and blasts Sailor Moon back with a gust of wind. Sailor Moon falls down next to Sailor Chibi Chibi but she begins to get up again.
Galaxia: "Beautiful! I'll let you see something great... the number of real Star Seeds that I've collected!"
Galaxia tosses the Inner senshi star seeds up above her throne and many other star seeds appear.

One of the seeds catches Sailor Moon's eye. It sparkles and she looks at it in disbelief. It's a golden star seed. Tears stream down her face.

Moon: "Mamoru...?"
The Star Lights watch. Sailor Star Fighter seems to remember that name.
Fighter: "What?"
Galaxia looks at Sailor Moon.

Galaxia: "Oh? You have a good eye to catch the golden Star Seed!"
The star seed shines and a picture of Mamoru appears in front of it.

Galaxia: "This Star Seed is in charge of this planet."
Sailor Moon stares at it, in shock.
Moon: "No... If that's Mamoru's Star Seed, then Mamoru is..."

Moon: "Mamoru is..."


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