198 Continued...
... Sailor Moon opens her eyes. She's laying on a tile ground. All around her is shadowy. She sits up and begins crying again, still holding Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon. She stands up and sees Sailor Uranus standing in front of her in the shadows.
Moon: "Uranus!"
Sailor Moon runs up to her.
Moon: "Uranus! Please tell me the truth!
You have a plan, right?"
She steps forward.
Moon: "I know! Everything
is just an act!"
Sailor Uranus slaps Sailor Moon across the face and it knocks her down. Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon looks up at Sailor Moon.
Chibi: "Chibi..."
Sailor Uranus stands with a cold expression on her face.
Uranus: "This is reality!"
Suddenly Sailor Star Fighter runs out from the shadows and tries to jump kick Sailor Uranus. But Sailor Uranus holds up her arm and blocks the kick. Sailor Star Fighter jumps back in front of Sailor Moon and Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Star Maker run out next to Sailor Star Fighter. Sailor Uranus smiles.
Uranus: "Did you finish your nap?"
Healer: "Don't boast!"
Maker: "That power comes from Galaxia!"
Uranus: "You're like a barking dog
after losing the fight."
Neptune: "Right! Those words don't sound
like you want to defeat Galaxia!"
Sailor Neptune is standing behind them. They look back at her as she talks.
Neptune: "Do you think you can defeat Galaxia
if you can't beat us?"
Uranus: "After all, you guys think too
highly of yourselves!"
Sailor Star Fighter looks back at Sailor Uranus.
Fighter: "What?"
Sailor Uranus looks angry.
Uranus: "That's why you couldn't
protect your Princess!"
Sailor Star Fighter runs to Sailor Uranus, extremely angry.
Fighter: "I can't forgive you!"
She tries to punch Sailor Uranus, but she quickly dodges it. Sailor Moon calls out to her.
Moon: "Fighter!"
Sailor Star Fighter is still fighting Sailor Uranus.
Fighter: "What do you know?"
She keeps trying to punch Sailor Uranus, but she keeps dodging them. Sailor Star Fighter screams and frantically tries to punch her. She remembers when Princess Fireball's star seed was taken. She furiously keeps throwing punches.
Fighter: "Damn you!"
And she finally hits Sailor Uranus right in the stomach and knocks the wind out of her. As Sailor Uranus is slightly bent over she whispers something to Sailor Star Fighter, with almost a smile on her face.
Uranus: "You can do it all right!"
This surprises Sailor Star Fighter and Sailor Uranus punches her in the stomach, which throws her back. Sailor Moon covers Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon's eyes.
Moon: "Fighter!"
Sailor Star Fighter hits the ground. Sailor Uranus and Neptune star at them coldly.
Sailor Star Fighter sits up a little and coughs.
Moon: "Stop! Please stop these
kinds of things!"
Uranus: "Okay, let's end this now!"
Sailor Uranus raises her arm.
Neptune: "Let's!"
So does Sailor Neptune. They begin their attacks.
Neptune: "Deep Submerge!"
Uranus: "World Shaking!"
The attacks come towards them when suddenly a pillar of pink light engulfs them. Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Star Maker are falling slowly through the light. Sailor Star Fighter and Sailor Moon are right behind them, Sailor Star Fighter is holding Sailor Moon. We then see them on the roof of a building, laying on the ground. Sailor Star Fighter moves a little and Sailor Moon is laying on top of her, holding Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon. Sailor Moon looks at Sailor Star Fighter.
Moon: "Fighter?"
She looks up at Sailor Moon, concerned.
Fighter: "Are you all right?"
Moon: "Yes."
Sailor Star Fighter smiles with relief.
Fighter: "Thank God."
Then they hear laughing. They get up and see Sailor Uranus and Neptune on the other side of the roof. Above them, Galaxia appears, still laughing.
Galaxia: "Well? Have you awakened from the sweet
dream that this planet will be saved?"
Sailor Moon is angry.
Moon: "It's definitely not a dream!"
Galaxia: "How stupid! Look at
the city around you!"
Sailor Moon runs to the edge of the building. The city is dark and the sky is red. Black lightening is striking everywhere.
Moon: "Oh, no!"
Lightening strikes and casts a glow on Galaxia's evil face as she laughs.
Galaxia: "How do you like this
fantastic scenery?"
Sailor Moon falls on her knees as she looks over the city in shock.
Moon: "Oh, no..."
Galaxia: "Right now, the whole galaxy is
almost within my grasp. Even if you struggle, there's
no way for you to win!"
Sailor Moon continues to star at the city and the Sailor Star Lights run behind her to block her from Galaxia.
Galaxia: "How surprising! Are you saying
that you're not giving up? What can you do? Is there
anything that you can do? Fools!"
Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon looks up at Sailor Moon who seems to be in shock.
Chibi: "Chibi..."
Galaxia tells Sailor Neptune and Uranus.
Galaxia: "Get their Star Seeds!"
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune turn around and face the Sailor Star Lights. They (Uranus and Neptune) have their head down and their eyes look blank. They hold up their wrists as lightening strikes. Galaxia smiles.
Galaxia: "This is the end!"