The senshi disappear and Princess Serenity turns back into Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon falls down onto the ice.
Moon: "Everyone... thank you..."
Then Sailor Moon closes her eyes and dies.
The pink glow begins to expand and it makes the ice tower which Sailor Moon is on, crumble.
Sailor Moon falls.
You can hear Sailor Moon talking as the glow spreads across the icy Arctic. The glow eventually reaches each senshi and Endymion.
Moon: "I wake up in the morning,"
Moon: "the white lace curtains sway in the breeze."
Moon: "My clock chirps that it's 7:00. 'If you sleep any longer, you'll be late!' mama crys out."
Moon: "I nod off thinking, 'Just let me sleep 3 more minutes.'"
Moon: "I'm late, just like every other day. Teacher makes me stand in the hall, I fail another test."
Moon: "On the way home from school, I eat crepes with my friends. A party dress decorating a show window catches my eye."
Moon: "Even the little things, make me happy. It's that... That ordinary life I want back. I want back."
* * *
Usagi wakes up in her bed.
Usagi: "I'm late!"
Usagi gets dressed and passes her family eating breakfast as she runs out the door.
Usagi: "See you later!"
Luna and Artemis are on the roof watching Usagi runs to school. They are both very happy.
Artemis: "It's a miracle. Not only did the black spot on the sun disappear, but everybody came back to life."
Makoto runs past Usagi on the way to school.
Luna: "But I feel sad for them."
Rei is sweeping at the temple as Usagi runs by.
Luna: "They lost all the memories of when they were together."
Minako is waiting for the bus.
Artemis: "Don't worry."
Usagi and Naru are looking at their grades at school and Ami walks by.
Artemis: "They'll meet again."
Luna smiles.
Luna: "You're right."
* * *
Usagi and Naru are walking home from school. Usagi is looking at her latest test grade.
Usagi: "I should have studied harder."
Usagi crumbles up the test and throws it behind her.
Usagi: "Heck with it!"
The paper hits someone on the head. It's Mamoru!
Mamoru: "That hurt, dumpling head."
Mamoru looks at her test grade.
Mamoru: "Thirty percent? Study harder, dumpling head."
Usagi snaches the test from Mamoru and sticks her tongue out at him.
Usagi: "None of your bussiness!"
Mamoru stares at Usagi as her and Naru walk away. He smiles to himself.
Mamoru: "Strange kid."
As they walk away Naru smiles at Usagi as she pouts about Mamoru.
Naru: "He's pretty good looking."
Usagi: "No way! He's a jerk!"
Naru: "Oh yeah? He might be the man of your dreams!"
Usagi: "Forget it."
Usagi: "I have a dream."
Naru: "Dream?"
Usagi: "Yeah. Just when things are looking bad, a man will come and save me!"
The End of Episode 46!
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