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c Duo's Stats c


Name:  Duo Maxwell
Descent:  American
Height:  5' 1
Weight:  95lbs
Eye Color:  Cobalt Blue maybe Violet
Hair Color:  Brown
Background:  Duo is a war orphan and was taken in by Solo and group of kids calling themselves the Sweepers Group. Sometime later Solo and the other kids caught a disease and Duo stole enough vacine for everyone but himself. When Duo got back he found he was too late and Solo died. Duo then made his name Duo and became the leader. Later he and the other orphans were taken in by Father Maxwell & Sister Helen. Sometime later Father Maxwell & Sister Helen were killed by the Federation. Duo then took his name from Father Maxwell. He got into Operation Meteor when he stole aboard a ship that Professor G. happend to be on. When he was 15 he was sent to Earth.
True Friends:  All the Gundam Pilots and Hilde Schbeiker.
Peeves:  Oz & the way Heero always steals his Gundam parts.
Zodiac Sign:  Gemini