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k WuFei's Stats k


Name:  WuFei Chang
Descent:  Chinese
Height:  156 cm.  (5' 1")
Weight:  46 kg.  (101 lb.)
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:  Black
Background:  WuFei is a descendant from an ancient Chinese warrior clan.  He was never meant to be a Gundam pilot.  WuFei was being raised to be a scholar before his young wife Meiran (Meilan) was killed.  He then got involved in Operation Meteor and went to Earth.
True Friends:  His Gundam... the only one he trusts.
Peeves:  Weakness and those who are Weak.
Zodiac Sign:  Aquarius


I got some info from ANIMERICA MAGAZINE Vol. 8 Number 4.

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