Welcome to HALFTIME:The Website v2.0
The UNofficial website of
The Golden Pride of Cleburne High
HEY! YOU THERE! Got nerds?
Mr. Bahner's hair is not naturally this color. No, no, that's fake... And he's not always doing something odd like this... Just... MOST of the time!!
Hello, and welcome to the portion of Whitney's World devoted to the Golden Pride of Cleburne High! Welcome to HALFTIME: The Website, v2.0. Here, you will learn about this year's show, previous years' shows, and people who are involved with the band. I'll let Whitney take over from here....
Hello! My name is Whitney, and I'm a hopelessly devoted band nerd! I play the clarinet during concert season, but during marching season I'm a member of one of the greatest Color Guards in the state of Texas! But, you know... all this BAND stuff severely takes away from time to work on my site... SO..... It may not really get updated much. Anyway, the show is "JCS: 2001". Let's take it to STATE!!! Ohhh, and I'm the surprise ending! Yeeee-haw!
The Directors:
Alan Reed, Director of Bands, CHS
Rich Bahner, Associate Director, CHS
Randy Jones, Head Director, CMS
Drum Majors:
Sarah Mayer, Head DM, Senior
*Eric Cortez, Associate DM, Junior
*Daniel Dill, Associate DM, Junior
* denotes NEW! Congrats!
Color Guard Captains:
Erin Jaremko, Head CG Captain, Senior
*Michelle Wilson, Co-Captain, Junior
*Amy Mayer, Co-Captain, SOPHOMORE!!, Second-year member!
* denotes NEW! Congrats! We love you! You're doing a fantastic job!
Band Officers(as requested by Eric and Jeffro):
Jeff O'Neal, Band President, Senior
Ben Mason, Vice President, Senior
Susan Smith, Secretary, Senior
John Elam, Reporter, Senior
Section Leaders and Squad Leaders 2001-2002
On Thursday, August 24, 2000, the CHS Golden Pride lost a valuable member of the family. We are greatly saddened by the loss of Mrs. Lynn Palmer to cancer. May her music forever please the ears of our Lord. Please remember to pray for her family.
We welcome this year's Fish! Hope you enjoy the experience!
We miss you, Mr. Kling! Come back and visit!! Good luck at Indiana!
Everybody check out Mr. Beans's site for pics!!
Jump to Whitney's World.
All pictures courtesy of David Beans' Studio unless otherwise noted. You're listening to "Heaven on Their Minds". Song courtesy of Musical Heaven. Background courtesy of Logical Imageworks.